Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Where are the Knights???

On the homefront, Kat and I are freakin' exhausted! Even though we think Hagen is making progress (he slept for 5 hours last night), it is still incredibly tiring. Work has been trying and then to get little sleep is just not cool. But, he is healthy and Liska has been her sweet, perfect self (notice her smile in the pics with Hagen).
I am also on yet another weight-loss kick. I have a friend in Houston that refers to me as Oprah because of how much weight I have gained and lost over the years. But, I weighed myself on February 28 and I was up to 250. One-third of the way to piano case coffin-ville. So, I joined 24 Hour Fitness that day and started to work out the next day. I am now playing basketball on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (as well as in a league on Tuesday nights and Sunday afternoons) and doing spinning class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. I weighed myself last Thursday and I am down to 231. I will keep my blog fans up to date on my weekly weigh-ins. Next one is tomorrow.
I hope everyone is doing well and takes me seriously when I say that you better start commenting more on my blog!! This isn't a one-way street people. Let's work together to make this blog the best darn blog it can be!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

some more pics of the kiddos. Liska has become very helpful and more open to Hagen. She helps buckle him in to his swing and last night she sang lullaby to him as he slept. She kisses him when she can and she always retrieves his pacifier whenever he starts to cry...somehow she always knows where it is. What an unbelievable little girl. We are very proud.
No big plans for the Memorial Day weekend. We will probably grill out a couple nights and hopefully do some jam sessions, but no gig for the Natty Five 9s this weekend. The weather is perfect so far, but they are talking about rain on Sunday night/Monday.
As I am sending out these pics, It reminds me that I am not certain that we have up-to-date pics of Liska and Hagen's cousins...she recognizes Quinn and Spencer (though sometimes mixes the names) and she recognizes Callie and Carissa but I don't think we have any recent pics to show her. I don't want her to forget about her cousins even though she is far away from them. She doesn't know Natasha and Emily at all except for pics from 2000.
OK. Be safe this weekend! I will continue to post as the mood strikes.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I finally got the pics to post!

Latest pics of the the little screamapillar. Notice the neck strength!
Kat is getting very little sleep and I am sleeping like a baby....I am waking up every two hours crying and looking for food. :-) Liska is adjusting much better and I am spending most of my free time with her. I figure Mini Me will not mind.
Enjoy the pics and the long holiday weekend!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Screamapillar/The Definition of True Love
As many of you, my faithful fans, know, my family is currently being held prisoner on Tuesday and Wednesday nights by the Fox network. American Idol is something that not only cannot be missed, but it must be Tivo'ed for replaying of our favorite Taylor dance "moves". Well, last night was the finale of the performance portion of the show. As luck had it, my basketball league game was scheduled for 8:30pm...I was going to miss the show and have to watch it later by myself. Or so I thought. Now, in our home, this is the definition of true love. My gorgeous, piano playing, songstress of a wife sacrificed her own immediate gratification by refusing to watch the show live and waiting to watch it for the first time with me!!! So, we watched it together and basked in Taylor's talented vocals and loss of muscular control. Knowing that he had won and that McPheever would not become the pandemic we all were concerned about. If Taylor somehow does not win, you can rest assured you will be hearing/reading about it on this blog. Your single-stop source for all things important in the world.
So, she waited to watch AI with me...but did you catch the other subtle way in which my wife expressed her true love for me? That's right, she allowed me to leave her at home with a screeching Screamapillar of a newborn to play a basketball game at 8:30 on a Tuesday night when she had just spent the entire day dealing with him and Liska (who is back to being the most well-behaved, wonderful girl in the world). Gotta love that girl. By the way, we won. I scored 19 points in the winning effort and was 3-5 from beyond the arc. Not that I was counting.
Alright, one more thing and then you can go back to your less important tasks of the day...we found out some wonderfully surprising news this cousin Carrie and her family along with Joanne and Chuck and my dad are all coming out to stay with us in California over my birthday weekend in September! We cannot wait!! It will be a full house and we will get to utilize all our unbelievably comfortable air mattresses, but it will be a blast. I'm trying to work out what we are going to do that week. I'm thinking Dodger's game and a couple studio tours. Trip to the beach....etc etc.
OK. Back to your lives. If you read this before 6pm PST, there won't be any new pics of Galt and Liska up, but I will rectify that when I get home, so don't worry. I know that is the only reason some of you even read my blog anymore. :-)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Do I have to go back to work???

Look at these two gorgeous kids (not to mention a wonderful wife) that I will have to leave at home starting tomorrow! Back to the salt mines for me. No travelling in the short-term, but I will be very busy getting caught up and possibly working longer than normal hours. boohoo.
At least it was a great weekend. Spent all day yesterday in the backyard with Liska playing in the blow-up pool and spraying each other with the hose...we also planted 6 Pygmy Fig Palms in pots on the back porch. It looks great! We ended up grilling chicken and fish last night and eating chicken and fish tacos out on the patio. Very fun. Then, we watched the very stupid, but very fun Man of the House. Good vegetation movie.
Then, today, we went to the Farmer's Market and then watched the Cavs get smacked around by the Pistons. After that, I went down to G Brown's house and we jammed for a couple hours and had some great chicken burgers for dinner. I think the band is really coming together. Denise did great on the vocals and that makes all the difference. Charlie took a turn on the bass and kicked it. Greg was in another world with his solos. Rock and roll was played and enjoyed by all within the range of our sound. I, personally, would be shocked if we weren't playing in the SCV Summer Concert Series by next summer.
So, back to work....probably harder on Kat than on me as I won't be available to help her out for the 2am feedings and changings. I think we have worked out a good schedule, but we will see and tweak as necessary.
Much love to all!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Best Onion Story Ever
Check it out and decide for yourself....
Also, here is the first story I ever read...pretty freakin' funny too!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hammer Time

I'm not sure if it is just because we did not dress Liska in pants that often when she was newborn or what, but it is kinda strange putting pants on Galt...though his tops fit just fine, I feel like I can relate to MC Hammers manservant. I don't think they could be any baggier.
It is hard to believe that I will have to return to work in just three days. Only two more full days with the family. I plan to spend it locked in a pc wallowing in self-pity. Or, I will do some planting in the backyard. I guess it will be a game-time decision. Either way, I will be happy and stick by my choice.
Liska has been an absolute piece of work today. She has taken swings at both her mommy and me. I think she is too far off her normal schedule. She still is 90% the sweetest kid you will ever know, but when she is bad, she is REALLY bad. Screeching, swinging, brandishing the home-made knives she keeps under her mattress. (now we know what she does when she is not napping). I need to do more research on how to handle this time when she is a bit threatened by the newborn. Any advice any of my loyal fans have, I would greatly appreciate you keeping your pieholes shut about it. Seriously, keep it to yourself. I'm not trying to hear all that. :-) Just keeeeding. Go ahead and share your thoughts.
So, I have decided to become a fan of LA area teams. I figure I will want to take Liska and Galt to games and why not get involved and care who wins. I won't forget about my 'stros and Rockets, but am definitely cheering for the Clips and the Dodgers this year. Way too difficult to root for the Lakers after their history with the Rockets. And Kobe is a jackass.
Speaking of sports, the NBA playoffs continue to be exciting....another close one that the Cavs could not pull out, though LeBron had a great game. Game 7 should be very enjoyable to watch...though, my Summer Basketball League starts on Sunday so I will miss a portion of it.
Have a great weekend! I will try to post more tomorrow.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Let's Roll!
I was crossing the parking lot after dropping off some dry cleaning. I guess I was walking too slow because some pick-up driving hillbilly honked at me and gestured angrily. I gave him the international sign for "what gives?" and he rolled down his window and this is the dialogue that followed: (Editor's Note - HB will be used for hillbilly driver and SP will be used for me)
HB - move the "F" along (he didn't actually say F nor use the two-fingered quote signs, he said the word)
SP - glare with smart ass smile
HB - You wanna roll buddy?
SP - no thanks...I just ate.
HB - haha...I mean lets roll.
SP - you want me to go bowling with you? sorry...I don't really have the time.
HB - frustrated groan and peel out
This really illustrates the age old rule that a smart-ass will win over a dumbass every time.
Thursday Morning Ramblings

Hello all...I guess no matter what my post is going to be about I should always keep up to the minute pics of Galt as the lead in. :-)
He is progressing well. He seems to be losing some of his yellow hue and his eyes are starting to clear up. They have been very yellow from the start. We went to the doctor yesterday and he had gained 3 oz...they expect 1 oz per day, so we are moving in the right direction with that.
We have started referring to this unbelievably strong kid as Houdini. No matter how tightly we wrap his swaddle, he escapes. He is already holding up his head on his own and he has the jab and move down pat. He has also written his first concerto. Not really, but the other stuff is true. Pretty amazing little dude.
Liska is also handling it better. A blow up every now and then, but good for the circumstances. She is showing amazing intelligence too...the other day, she noticed some cookies up on our bar. She was sitting on my lap and asked to get down. She disappeared for a few minutes and then I heard her call me for help. I found her halfway down the stairs with her stool in her hand. I helped her down and she walked over to the bar, set the stool down, got on it and grabbed the cookies! Of course, we immediately grounded her and sent her to her room, but we were impressed with her ingenuity. :-)
Kat is doing well. Suffering from lack of sleep more than I as she has the feeding duties throughout the night. Last night he woke up at 1:15 and 4:30 and then again at 7ish. So, could be worse (Liska slept all day and was up all night).
We were all very upset to see Chris Daughtry off of American Idol, but glad Taylor made it to the finals. How that chick McPhee keeps alive, I have no idea. Looking forward to seeing who wins next week. I have never watched this show prior to this season, but have heard this has been the most talented group yet. It has been entertaining.
NBA Playoffs have been enjoyable for once too! Love seeing the Cavs win as I am a big LeBron fan...tough though since it is my hometown team they are beating. Great series with lots of close games. I am also rooting for the Clippers and they are making it a bit exciting as well. Should be fun!
In closing, some words of wisdom from my old friend Jack Handey:
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about chopping them down? Probably..if they screamed all the time, for no apparent reason.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Mas Pictures

OK.. Now that I have this working again, I will post pics as they come in...
Galt had yet another pedi appt. today and his bilirubin levels are down and his weight is up, so we are in the safe zone!! No more Bili Blankets or stuffing mother's milk and formula down his throat. Sleep is at a premium still and there does not seem to be an end in sight...such is life.
You can see from the picture at the left why the doctor's thought Galt had some Jaundice...a little bit of a yellow glow to his face and hands. But, as you will notice in the picture above, he is getting much better. :-) To be honest. Kat and I were more concerned with the apparent "unibrow" and oversized orange nose. Doc said those will both go away with time.
Third time is a charm -- no luck with posting pics the past two posts.

I have been trying to post pictures on my last two posts with no trying again today. If this doesn't work, rest assured that Kat will be sending links as she did with Liska pics.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Incomparable Liska Ai-Xin Knight!
Liska Bo Biska
Beautiful Baby
Blessed by your smile
Peaceful and Happy
I am your Daddy
I will promise to
Love you forever
You are my daughter
And I love you!
In our extreme happiness with the arrival of Mr. Galt, our love for Liska just continues to grow. What an amazing little girl she is.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Hagen Galt Ming-Yu Knight
Hagen Galt Ming-Yu Knight
Hagen means "youthful". Galt means "empowered" (in addition to its other significant meaning captured in earlier posts). Ming-Yu means "brighten the Universe" and Knight, as we all know, means slack-jawed yokel. We will call him Galt for the most part.
Now, for the trying part....yesterday we were told that Galt had a 6.8 reading on his billirubin test. Nothing to worry about (for Jaundice). Then, this morning at 7am, we were told that he needed to start wearing the "bili blanket" for his Jaundice! Apparently, at around midnight, his levels were tested and the reading was over 11 (under 10 is safe), but noone had told us. So, not a good way to start the morning. They then started talking about keeping us in the hospital one more night which neither of us thought we could handle. We talked to the pediatric doc on duty and he gave us the go ahead to be discharged and set up a home bili blanket system just like what we had with Liska. We needed to be discharged by noon because the blanket was going to be delivered by 1pm. We also agreed to go back for further testing at 6pm and again at 8am Sunday. So, we got home and got settled in...Kat did a feeding and we both took short naps. When we awoke, we realized that the blankets had not been delivered! We called the hospital, they called the delivery guy and the delivery guy called us....'will not be delivered until 9pm' Can you believe it! Galt misses out on 8 hours of bili light time because of poor logistics! Well, to cut a too long story short (I am very tired), the lights arrived and he is under them now. His swelling is also going down (apparently, because the pushing only lasted 10 minutes, he was bruised and had some puffiness). He is a great looking kid. Hard to tell from the first pics, but I will post some tomorrow that will knock your socks off. :-) For now, enjoy the pics of our ridiculously cute just being cute and the other reading to her new baby brother!
I hope everyone is doing well and I will keep you updated as I get the energy...won't be working again until May 22, so hopefully will get some sleep between now and then.
Love to all!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Galt has Arrived!

Here he is!!! 7lbs 3oz and 19.75 inches. He was born at 5:52pm PDT on 5/11/06. We have not signed the birth certificate, but we are calling him Galt for now. He is healthy and beautiful and quiet as a mouse.
I will write more when we get back from the hospital on Saturday or Sunday.
Much love to all!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
And then there were three...
The reason for the title of this post is that Galt will be the third member of our family to be born on May 11! To be honest, we really pushed to have him on May 9th...that way, he would have been a true member of the Five 9s. :-)
Liska does not really appear to be aware of what is going on. We talked to her tonight about how her Goong-Goong and Poh-Poh are going to be watching her tomorrow and she will meet her baby brother at the hospital. I truly believe that she is going to be a wonderful big sister. I tell her that if she is half as good as my big sis, Galt will be one lucky dude. Spoiled, but lucky. :-)
Much love to everyone and let the world beware that another Knight male is about to make his presence known!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Update on Galt's Arrival!
Dear Friends and Family: No, I am not coming out of the closet!
Anywho...where was I? Oh yeah. The reason I titled my blog how I did is that I know firsthand how people can see, read or hear things and automatically jump to the wrong conclusions. I am reminded of the time my brother called me and said "Guess What?" Now, as a further, utterly annoying aside, if this was Kat who my brother posed this question to, the answer, invariably, would be "Chicken Butt". Kat has determined that any general interrogatory should be met with a response such as this. Here is an abridged version of Kat's pat responses:
"What" "Chicken Butt"
"Where" "Chicken Hair"
"Why" "Chicken Thigh"
"Who" "Chicken Pooh"
So, my brother calls me and says "Guess What?". I respond like a normal human being with a question of my own "what?". He says "I got a cat!". Well, as soon as I heard that I knew the most important thing to do was to stay positive and be supportive. "Brian, I am so honored that you chose to come out of the closet to me...I can't imagine how much courage this must take." He acted confused and immediately changed the subject. But, truly, would a straight guy buy a cat? I mean, if a girlfriend had one, you might refrain from making her give it away to her sister. Or, in rare occasions, you might become attached to it and think of it as a very small dog. But, to voluntarily go out, choose a cat and then pay money for it? I think you know where I am going with this. Well, I must admit that since then he has been making a show of dating NUMEROUS women and even getting engaged. So, as it turns out, Brian is NOT gay. Although, that does remind me of another see, Brian's dad's name is Gaylon and he goes by Gay. At my sisters wedding, one of my mom's niece (Heidi) comes up to Brian from behind and says "hi". Brian turned around and, in a case of mistaken identity (or was it?), Heidi says "Oh, I thought you were Gay/gay". Well, that planted the seed for me and most likely led to my immediate assumption that a guy who was once accused of being gay by a close relative and had now purchased a cat was, well, gay.
Wow. What is the freakin' point of this post? That I write like a chipmunk on acid? I suppose that could be it. Which reminds me of another story....just kidding.
OK. The moral of the story is this....the acronym for my site is LIP. This seems rather effeminate for a guy's blog don't you think? So, in case anyone discovered that, let it be known that I did not mean for that to be some subliminal "coming out of the closet" message. But, the sad fact of all this is that my fear of people coming to that conclusion makes it impossible for me to do an American Idol post like I would like to. To say I would love to see Taylor win, but I think whether Chris wins or not, he will be the most successful American Idol ever...and that Katherine McPhee is the most likely candidate to overdose on drugs at least once in her music career. And, that one outfit that Paris wore made her look like the Penguin from Batman and Robin. I can't say any of that because then it is corroborating evidence..."oh, the LIP thing might have been an accident, but now he is talking about American Idol? Please. He is so Femme!" Not that there is anything wrong with that.
So, I am going to do another post right now to update everyone on Galt's arrival. If you made it through this one, god love ya. I had fun writing it though. :-)
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Natty Five 9 Debut!

Pipeline (Dick Dale)
Margaritaville (Jimmy Buffet)
Rock Lobster (B52s)
I'd Love to Change the World (Ten Years After)
Let it Bleed (Stones)
Doesn't Remind Me (Audioslave)
Miserlou (Dick Dale)
Can't Always Get What You Want (Stones)
Ethereal Cereal (Natty original)
Little Wing (Stevie)
Hey Joe (Jimmie Hendrix)
By about 7pm, word had spread around town that we were playing a free show and the lawn filled up. Don't let the pics above from our soundcheck fool ya. The place was rocking. Extra security was called in to keep the overzealous fans off the stage. The price of fame I suppose. We wrapped up the show around 8:30pm to chants of "Natty...Natty...Natty" Of course, neighborhood regulations stipulate we were to stop at 8pm...but after negotiations with the sherriffs department (they were concerned about riots if we were prematurely shut down), we got the extra half hour to rock the house. And we did. Ethereal Cereal chilled the crowd as we jammed for a full 10 minutes. We then got the temperatures rising again with Little Wing and then simply brought the house down with Hey Joe. I would be shocked if the internet was not already crawling with bootleg tapes of that jam.
After basking in the adoration of our fans for the next half hour while the volunteer roadies broke down the set, we retreated to our practice studio (aka my garage) and chilled out with some Natty 5.9s and watched some Big Lebowski to re-center ourselves. Have I mentioned what a great flick that is? The party was abruptly ended though when my old lady decided enough was enough and hauled my butt in to help set up the air mattress in the nursery. That's my girl. Helping me to keep it real in this world of celebrity that I have so recluctantly chosen.
So, all in all, it was a lot of fun. We hope to continue our Blakely Holiday Party Tour around, say the 4th of July. Unless we can figure out how to make Memorial Day a Party. Management is in negotiations with the event venue as we speak. I will keep you updated as things progress.
Happy Sunday to all! We are off to the Farmers Market to get some good fruit and veggies and then a day full of playoff basketball!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Big Lebowski
The main characters are Jeff Labowski, aka "the dude", Walter and Donnie. The movie starts out with Dude getting his rug stolen (well, it starts out with him drinking half and half from the carton inside a Ralphs grocery store and then writing a check for .69 while watching Bush senior talking about how Saddams aggression "will not stand") and attacked by a couple guys in his apt. that are actually looking for a different Jeff Lebowski (The "Big" Lebowski). It goes on from there with this case of mistaken covers self-kidnapping, nehilism, modern art, insemination, friendship, but mostly...bowling. The above-mentioned trio constitutes a very talented bowling team in Santa Monica.
Here are my top ten lines/conversations to give you some flavor of the movie:
10. It tied the room together, did it not? (referring to the stolen rug) - Walter
9. Um, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature, please, Asian-American. - Walter
8. What the F are you talking about Walter? I'm not talking about someone who built the F'ing railroads here...I'm talking about the guy who peed on my rug! - Dude in response to Walter
7. Donnie, you are out of your element! - Walter (often)
6. Am I wrong?...No, Walter you're not wrong...Am I wrong?...No Walter, you're not wrong, you're just an a-hole! (Walter and Dude after Walter pulls a pistol at bowling league)
5. What the F is this? (guy from first scene while holding a bowling ball) Obviously, you're not a golfer - Dude
4. Oh yeah? Well, that's just, like, your opinion man. - The Dude to Jesus
3. Oh, he doesn't care, he's a nehilist - Bunny Lebowski....Ah, must be exhausting - dude
2. what is this? - dude...Its the ringer dirty laundry...the whites! - Walter
1. Ugh, I am distracted by the choke I am watching the Lakers pull here. getting destroyed in OT. OK...the number one quote from the Big Lebowski...F it Dude, let's go bowling. - Walter (multiple times)
Alright Greg...I'm sure you have some additions to this. Anyone else who is a fan, let me know what I missed.
How to Assess the value of your PC
First, the PC has to be a half sharing space with a tub or shower. Just you, a magazine rack and the sink. Second, it is best if it is away from general traffic for obvious olfactory and auditory reasons. Those are the two musts of the PC.
Now, how do you determine if it is a top-notch PC? Well, it needs to be well-stocked with good, recent magazines. It should also have a full stash of toilet paper in easy-to-reach storage (i.e., can reach it from a sitting position). It should be somewhat spacious so you feel comfortable sitting there for a long period of time. A major bonus is its proximity to the common space of your home. Now, this may seem to contradict the point above about being away from general traffic, but if you are prairie dogging, you want to make sure you can get to your PC very quickly and with limited twists and turns. I know that if you have read this far you probably know what prairie dogging is, but if you don't, here goes...basically, your poopage is peeking out of its hole like a prairie dog poking its head out of its hole out on the, well, prairie. Which reminds me of a song the Natty Five 9s are working on right now:
I'm the PC! I'm the PC
If you're prairie doggin', come see me
If you have a monkey finger that you can't keep in
Just come sit on my porcelain
I'm the PC! yeah yeah I'm the PC!
Nothing like lyrics written from the perspective of a poop closet. :-)
So, I hope this has been helpful to my loyal reader(s). If you have any input into what would make a PC best of the best, please share.
Happy pooping!