Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"You're Chinese!"

So, we were at Liska's parents last Monday having dinner. I was supposed to be in Chicago on business, but my trip there was cancelled last second on Sunday night...Liska had already called Kat's mom and made her dinner order for Monday, so here we are...having dinner with Kat's parents on Monday night.

Monday also happens to be the day at Liska's preschool where they have spanish class. Every Monday, Liska comes home and "teaches" Kat and I some new spanish words. This week, it was "Buenos dia, me llamo 'say your name'" So, we repeat after her and say our names and she has taught us spanish and she is happy...as are we.

SO, we get to Kat's parents and are having a great dinner and I say to Liska "did you teach goong goong and pau pau how to speak spanish yet?" Liska looks at me like I have three heads...I say it again "did you teach goong goong and pau pau spanish yet?" Now Liska laughs...thinks I am kidding and says it..."Daddy...you are teasing me." I convince her that I am not teasing her and why would she think so? "Daddy...I can't teach them spanish...they're Chinese!"

I say "Liska, so you are, you goofball!". She says "No I am not, I am English." I say "no, you are half welsh/finnish/irish/choctaw/scottish and half chinese." "No I am not...I am English!" with more gusto. I say "Your mommy is Chinese, which makes you half Chinese." "Mommy is not Chinese...you and mommy are English!"

aye de mi. We are going to have to work on this one and her lack of cultural awareness. She even changed her Wii from darker toned skin to pure white tonight. What the heck is she dealing with in her pre-school class that is causing this??? I knew it was going to be trouble coming to Oklahoma!

Anywho...it was funny when it happened, but kind of disturbing. Is there any room back in Cali?

Much love to all!


Monday, September 15, 2008


Puff the Magic Hagen

I don't think we have shared this video before...it is from Kat's dad's birthday in June. Hagen decides to get out ahead of the curve and beat Liska to the punch...very funny.


Much love to all!


Sunday, September 14, 2008


Are you ready for some football??

With the Hurricane looming over the state of Texas like a giant C. Montgomery Burns to Texas' Homer Simpson, the Texas Longhorn's game vs. their archrival (at least from the days of the Southwest Conference) was postponed until 9/27. Quite a bummer since the weather ended up being nice in Austin on Saturday, but it provided the Knights an opportunity to have our first football watching party of the young season.
See, on the rare occassions we are home during the college football season (we are normally in Austin, Dallas or (at least last year) in LA), we like to make Saturday an all day sporting event. With the first kick-off at 11am and the last whistle blowing at around midnight, there is plenty of action to keep even the novice football enthusiast on the edge of their respective seats.

So, as it was yesterday, we sent out the word that we would be on our patukisis all day watching the games, come one, come all and join us. It would turn out that we would have a series of guests showing up and staying for a grand total of 12 hours of football watching and friend hosting. 11am through 11pm baby. Now, THAT is what I call a good day (unlike the VERY relaxing sounding day of the Brown matriarchy)! Lots of beer drinking (later, Screwdriver drinking) and good food. Kat made her famous pulled pork sandwiches with her homemade bbq sauce. Tasty as always. She also made some white bean dip and guacamole for everyone to nosh on throughout the day. Tres magnifique!

For those of you not fortunate enough to join us, I will share some pics of the event. Some of these were taken by Liska and some by me...she is turning into quite the young shutter bug.

What a great shot! Kat and Liska chilling a bit before the guests started to arrive.

Liska and her good friend Savannah. Savannah's parents just bought a house close by and these two will be going to Kindergarten together next year! They are going to really be tough to handle. Or, as Chris Robinson would say, Hard to handle.

Our fellow Cali-transplants, the Tindilliers. Grace was Hagen's teacher last year. Chris is a big USC fan (as an alum). He appears to be glowing from the domination of his team vs. OSU.

Kat and Grace. They've been mistaken as sisters before. Here they are showing that sisterly love.

I hope everyone out there had themselves a fine weekend. For my fans in Houston, I hope you are staying high and dry. If your power is not back on, you are welcome to come about 500 miles inland to Tulsa where we have power and are expecting a week of perfect weather. I found out today that I do NOT have to go to Chicago this week, so I will be Mr. Mom this week. :-)

Thanks to all for keeping this the number one blog in the key "knight family" demographic. I couldn't do it without you! Well, I could...but what fun would that be?

Much love to all! Have a great week!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My Bill Lumberg

Surely you have seen Office Space. That classic movie from the 90s that was shot in Dallas and followed the life of a typical cubicle farm desk jockey. Well, as a refresher, the boss in the movie was named Bill Lumberg. "Did ya get the memo about the TPS reports?" He was known for his failed attempts at being diplomatic as his tone belied the words that were coming out of his mouth. Quite humorous.

As you all know, I travel quite a bit. My job takes me on the road Monday through Thursday about 9 months out of the year. As Liska is getting older and smarter and starting to read and write, I thought I would start leaving her notes on Monday mornings so she could read them with her mommy. She loves notes. She is writing them all the time. "Dear Daddy, thank you for the big hug. I love you so much. Love (actually a heart) Liska" Very sweet and very impressive. So, I thought she would love to get them from me as well. More on that later.

In June, we bought a Wii for Kat's birthday. Neither one of us are big video game people, but her brother had brought one over one time and the kids loved it and it seemed to be something we could do as a family and it was a more active game (i.e. not sitting on your butt doing it). Well, Liska has turned into an amazing bowler on Wii. Her high score is 280. Quite remarkable. In addition to the real bowling game, there is a training game that is called Power Bowling, but Liska refers to as "Crazy Bowling". Basically, there are increasing number of pins that you try to knock down. First 10, then 16, then 24, etc etc. up to 91 pins. Its quite humorous to watch and play. When you get a strike, they put a checkmark up by the number of pins and the high score wins.

So, last weekend, Liska had her paper and markers out and was sitting on the stairs doing her thing and I walked over to her and she said "look daddy, how many check marks did I get?" I looked at the sheet and could not believe it...she had written down each of the pin counts in order and put check marks by the ones she had gotten strikes on before...but that wasn't the amazing part...next to it, she had written "craze bolen". I couldn't believe it! She had sat there and sounded out the words without asking us for any help! I mean, I don't know much about childhood progression with reading and writing, but this daddy was impressed as hell!! So, I of course told her that and she asked what impressed was and I told her it meant I was mad at her for misspelling two commonly used words and I told her to go to her room. Well, actually I told her I thought she did great with her spelling and I was very proud of her. She beamed with joy.

The following Monday, I wroter her a note telling her I was going to Chicago and was going to miss her and I told her again how proud I was and how brave she was for spelling words on her own without asking for help. Such great confidence. I put the note on the counter and left for the week. Her mother read her the note and reported back to me that Liska loved it and appreciated it.

Fast forward to this past Sunday evening. As I was tucking Liska in and talking to her about my week and how much I was going to miss her, I said "Would you like me to write you another note?" And her response was "Daddy, I write the best notes. Why don't you just let me write all the notes ok?" I couldn't help laughing as her sincerity was that of Bill Lumberg saying "Yeah...right...how about I write the notes from now on...mmmkay? Great" She is a hoot.

So, here are a couple pics from Labor Day weekend in Austin (first Longhorn game) and this past weekend. Hope you enjoy them. I know you are used to me not posting much, but get your asses back on track with reading this thing and commenting or you might just lose me again. :-)

what a good looking family!!
Hope everyone is doing well.
much love to all!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Chillin on a Sunday


Got back to Tulsa yesterday after our short trip to Austin. I'm not saying it was nice to have a couple nights away from the kids with my wife, but my hair lost its gray, I lost 20 lbs and the lady at the airport said "I bet you two kids are newlyweds." When we informed her we had been married for 5 years she said "well, you obviously don't have kids yet". True story! We laughed and said we actually had two kids. Upon mention of this, my weight and gray returned instantaneously and the lady ran away screaming in spanish. Which was weird, because she was obviously japanese. Interesting.

So, back in Tulsa and spent the vast majority of Saturday watching college football and drinking beer and eating things that some of the so-called experts would label as "bad for you". Chips, queso, carrots. Those sorts of things. Good times. So happy that the college football season has started!

Lots of work to do today prior to my trip back to Chicago, but I got video of the kids this morning, so I thought I would share that witcha. Enjoy!


Hope everyone is doing well.

Much love to all!


Friday, September 05, 2008


Traveling Fool

Hey all,

Since some of you have actually been reading this blog over the past month, I thought I would go ahead and bless you with yet another ridiculously interesting, yet poignantly unsettling post.

I have gone from ZERO travel in July to going gangbusters since the beginning of August. Well, middle of August. First stop, Princeton, NJ. My first travel for work since before the Fourth of July. That means that I am actually getting paid these days! woohoo. Not that we were eating Ramen, but it is always nice to get back on the company teat. After 4 days in Princeton, I headed to Orlando, FL for my first MonaVie conference. It was mid-Hurricane Fay, so the weather was dark and dreary, but the conference was fan-diddly-astic and I learned a lot and came away more pumped than ever. After that, I was supposed to fly directly to Evansville, IN, but that got cancelled, so I headed home and got to spend the week with Kat and the kiddos.

Over Labor Day, we headed down to Austin...just for a little color commentary, we left Tulsa at 9:30am and arrived in Austin just after 6pm. You do the math. It was more fun than a barrell of monkeys...assuming the top of the barrell was left off. Because if you leave the top on a barrell of monkeys, they probably couldn't breathe so well. I mean, they are cramped in there already, so probably uncomfortable. And then, the lack of any clean air would push them over the top and they would probably start fighting and, I have to say, a barrell full of angry, bloodied monkeys is not something I would ever consider fun. Unless, of course, they were wearing silly hats and maybe silk jockey outfits. That's just me though. :-)

Where was I? Oh yes...we got to Austin on Thursday night and had the big unveiling of the new RV on Friday night. It really makes a huge difference in the whole tailgating experience. I mean, before we got it, we would just hang out and drink and eat and shoot the shit. Now, we can do all that AND we have a bathroom we can use. Don't tell me that is not worth the extra cashola for the RV, the gas, the parking spot, the insurance, etc. I mean, what price can you put on a comfortable bladder? Hmm? That's what I thought.

So, in Austin through Sunday night and then I hopped a plane for Chicago on Monday morning. Stayed there through Thursday and flew directly to Austin. So, that was a 2 1/2 hour flight. Which, surprisingly, was even more enjoyable than the 9 hour drive from Tulsa to Austin. Go figure.

Kat is spending the weekend with me in Austin for her good friend's wedding. Guy who played keyboard in a popular OK band back in the day. Cool guy. Big news is this...Kat left the kids with her parentals!! This is her maiden voyage into going kidless for more than a single evening!! She has been pretty calm about it and only called a couple times to make sure things were happening that needed to happen. Kids are doing great and so are the grandparents. And things in Austin....let's just say we have been making a lot of trips up the street for chips.

So, back to Chicago for the next three weeks and then, who knows. I will keep you updated. Now that I have people reading this thing and I don't give a damn how long I write, I might start doing this a lot more. You will just have to deal with it and spend half your day reading my ramblings. :-)

Much love to all! I am back!!


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