Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Mas Pictures

OK.. Now that I have this working again, I will post pics as they come in...
Galt had yet another pedi appt. today and his bilirubin levels are down and his weight is up, so we are in the safe zone!! No more Bili Blankets or stuffing mother's milk and formula down his throat. Sleep is at a premium still and there does not seem to be an end in sight...such is life.
You can see from the picture at the left why the doctor's thought Galt had some Jaundice...a little bit of a yellow glow to his face and hands. But, as you will notice in the picture above, he is getting much better. :-) To be honest. Kat and I were more concerned with the apparent "unibrow" and oversized orange nose. Doc said those will both go away with time.