Sunday, May 21, 2006
Do I have to go back to work???

Look at these two gorgeous kids (not to mention a wonderful wife) that I will have to leave at home starting tomorrow! Back to the salt mines for me. No travelling in the short-term, but I will be very busy getting caught up and possibly working longer than normal hours. boohoo.
At least it was a great weekend. Spent all day yesterday in the backyard with Liska playing in the blow-up pool and spraying each other with the hose...we also planted 6 Pygmy Fig Palms in pots on the back porch. It looks great! We ended up grilling chicken and fish last night and eating chicken and fish tacos out on the patio. Very fun. Then, we watched the very stupid, but very fun Man of the House. Good vegetation movie.
Then, today, we went to the Farmer's Market and then watched the Cavs get smacked around by the Pistons. After that, I went down to G Brown's house and we jammed for a couple hours and had some great chicken burgers for dinner. I think the band is really coming together. Denise did great on the vocals and that makes all the difference. Charlie took a turn on the bass and kicked it. Greg was in another world with his solos. Rock and roll was played and enjoyed by all within the range of our sound. I, personally, would be shocked if we weren't playing in the SCV Summer Concert Series by next summer.
So, back to work....probably harder on Kat than on me as I won't be available to help her out for the 2am feedings and changings. I think we have worked out a good schedule, but we will see and tweak as necessary.
Much love to all!
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Why all the pressure to suceed? I mean, I'm afraid of large crowds and public facilities. (You know I need MY P.C.) Oh, What the Hell.....Playing the Music festival would be nice, but I'll need a bigger amp.....I'm in.
Thank God for the rain. after a day like yesterday I could use a day off. Jak, work for both of us and I'll have the pizzas warm and the Nattys cold when you get home. Deal? G.Brown
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Thank God for the rain. after a day like yesterday I could use a day off. Jak, work for both of us and I'll have the pizzas warm and the Nattys cold when you get home. Deal? G.Brown
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