Friday, May 26, 2006
I finally got the pics to post!

Latest pics of the the little screamapillar. Notice the neck strength!
Kat is getting very little sleep and I am sleeping like a baby....I am waking up every two hours crying and looking for food. :-) Liska is adjusting much better and I am spending most of my free time with her. I figure Mini Me will not mind.
Enjoy the pics and the long holiday weekend!!
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The kids and parents are looking good:).....Hopefully, we will get over your way sometime soon as I doubt Houston is on your radar over the next few months. Our kids just started their first ever summer break today....Both want me to move to NorCal so they can continue their studies over the summer.... love, hugs, and kisses to all of you ...and may you find some sleep this weekend!!
Andrew Schumacher is getting married in July in Houston, so I am trying to make it down there for that. I have a bit of a business reason to get down there, so I can make it a business trip...Krogers down there has some sort of in-store TV advertising that is being piloted and I need to check that out sometime. So, I will keep you updated on that.
Yes, my whole fictional life for the world to see. I hesitate to tell too many people about the blog as it is easier to type random ramblings if you truly believe noone is listening. But, as long as its family and close friends, the stories will continue! I have seen pics of Christopher Jr. and he is one great looking kid. Chris' wife must be very attractive. haha
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