Friday, May 19, 2006
Hammer Time

I'm not sure if it is just because we did not dress Liska in pants that often when she was newborn or what, but it is kinda strange putting pants on Galt...though his tops fit just fine, I feel like I can relate to MC Hammers manservant. I don't think they could be any baggier.
It is hard to believe that I will have to return to work in just three days. Only two more full days with the family. I plan to spend it locked in a pc wallowing in self-pity. Or, I will do some planting in the backyard. I guess it will be a game-time decision. Either way, I will be happy and stick by my choice.
Liska has been an absolute piece of work today. She has taken swings at both her mommy and me. I think she is too far off her normal schedule. She still is 90% the sweetest kid you will ever know, but when she is bad, she is REALLY bad. Screeching, swinging, brandishing the home-made knives she keeps under her mattress. (now we know what she does when she is not napping). I need to do more research on how to handle this time when she is a bit threatened by the newborn. Any advice any of my loyal fans have, I would greatly appreciate you keeping your pieholes shut about it. Seriously, keep it to yourself. I'm not trying to hear all that. :-) Just keeeeding. Go ahead and share your thoughts.
So, I have decided to become a fan of LA area teams. I figure I will want to take Liska and Galt to games and why not get involved and care who wins. I won't forget about my 'stros and Rockets, but am definitely cheering for the Clips and the Dodgers this year. Way too difficult to root for the Lakers after their history with the Rockets. And Kobe is a jackass.
Speaking of sports, the NBA playoffs continue to be exciting....another close one that the Cavs could not pull out, though LeBron had a great game. Game 7 should be very enjoyable to watch...though, my Summer Basketball League starts on Sunday so I will miss a portion of it.
Have a great weekend! I will try to post more tomorrow.
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I'm reminded of a situation with my mother-in-law Nida when Claira was in rare form...
FM (that's me, Frustrated Mom):
I don't know what to do, I've tried everything and she just keeps on screaming...
Have you tried rocking her?
FM: (exasperated)
Yes, of course I've tried rocking her!!!
Well, try a bigger rock!!!
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FM (that's me, Frustrated Mom):
I don't know what to do, I've tried everything and she just keeps on screaming...
Have you tried rocking her?
FM: (exasperated)
Yes, of course I've tried rocking her!!!
Well, try a bigger rock!!!
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