Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday Morning Ramblings

Hello all...I guess no matter what my post is going to be about I should always keep up to the minute pics of Galt as the lead in. :-)
He is progressing well. He seems to be losing some of his yellow hue and his eyes are starting to clear up. They have been very yellow from the start. We went to the doctor yesterday and he had gained 3 oz...they expect 1 oz per day, so we are moving in the right direction with that.
We have started referring to this unbelievably strong kid as Houdini. No matter how tightly we wrap his swaddle, he escapes. He is already holding up his head on his own and he has the jab and move down pat. He has also written his first concerto. Not really, but the other stuff is true. Pretty amazing little dude.
Liska is also handling it better. A blow up every now and then, but good for the circumstances. She is showing amazing intelligence too...the other day, she noticed some cookies up on our bar. She was sitting on my lap and asked to get down. She disappeared for a few minutes and then I heard her call me for help. I found her halfway down the stairs with her stool in her hand. I helped her down and she walked over to the bar, set the stool down, got on it and grabbed the cookies! Of course, we immediately grounded her and sent her to her room, but we were impressed with her ingenuity. :-)
Kat is doing well. Suffering from lack of sleep more than I as she has the feeding duties throughout the night. Last night he woke up at 1:15 and 4:30 and then again at 7ish. So, could be worse (Liska slept all day and was up all night).
We were all very upset to see Chris Daughtry off of American Idol, but glad Taylor made it to the finals. How that chick McPhee keeps alive, I have no idea. Looking forward to seeing who wins next week. I have never watched this show prior to this season, but have heard this has been the most talented group yet. It has been entertaining.
NBA Playoffs have been enjoyable for once too! Love seeing the Cavs win as I am a big LeBron fan...tough though since it is my hometown team they are beating. Great series with lots of close games. I am also rooting for the Clippers and they are making it a bit exciting as well. Should be fun!
In closing, some words of wisdom from my old friend Jack Handey:
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about chopping them down? Probably..if they screamed all the time, for no apparent reason.
We didn't vote either, but were still outraged by those who did. hahaha Kind of like the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. I guess we can't keep allowing others to call the shots in these VERY important outcomes. :-)
I enjoy Taylor's voice, too, and would love to see him win. He is so anti-American Idol, which will make his marketing either easy-peasy or hard as heck. I know that I would purchase his CD and Elliot's in a heartbeat.
As for McPheever...she always looks so dejected and put-out when the judges do not have nice things to say to her. It's rather hilarious yet disrespectful at the same time.
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