Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Bill Lumberg
Surely you have seen Office Space. That classic movie from the 90s that was shot in Dallas and followed the life of a typical cubicle farm desk jockey. Well, as a refresher, the boss in the movie was named Bill Lumberg. "Did ya get the memo about the TPS reports?" He was known for his failed attempts at being diplomatic as his tone belied the words that were coming out of his mouth. Quite humorous.
As you all know, I travel quite a bit. My job takes me on the road Monday through Thursday about 9 months out of the year. As Liska is getting older and smarter and starting to read and write, I thought I would start leaving her notes on Monday mornings so she could read them with her mommy. She loves notes. She is writing them all the time. "Dear Daddy, thank you for the big hug. I love you so much. Love (actually a heart) Liska" Very sweet and very impressive. So, I thought she would love to get them from me as well. More on that later.
In June, we bought a Wii for Kat's birthday. Neither one of us are big video game people, but her brother had brought one over one time and the kids loved it and it seemed to be something we could do as a family and it was a more active game (i.e. not sitting on your butt doing it). Well, Liska has turned into an amazing bowler on Wii. Her high score is 280. Quite remarkable. In addition to the real bowling game, there is a training game that is called Power Bowling, but Liska refers to as "Crazy Bowling". Basically, there are increasing number of pins that you try to knock down. First 10, then 16, then 24, etc etc. up to 91 pins. Its quite humorous to watch and play. When you get a strike, they put a checkmark up by the number of pins and the high score wins.
So, last weekend, Liska had her paper and markers out and was sitting on the stairs doing her thing and I walked over to her and she said "look daddy, how many check marks did I get?" I looked at the sheet and could not believe it...she had written down each of the pin counts in order and put check marks by the ones she had gotten strikes on before...but that wasn't the amazing to it, she had written "craze bolen". I couldn't believe it! She had sat there and sounded out the words without asking us for any help! I mean, I don't know much about childhood progression with reading and writing, but this daddy was impressed as hell!! So, I of course told her that and she asked what impressed was and I told her it meant I was mad at her for misspelling two commonly used words and I told her to go to her room. Well, actually I told her I thought she did great with her spelling and I was very proud of her. She beamed with joy.
The following Monday, I wroter her a note telling her I was going to Chicago and was going to miss her and I told her again how proud I was and how brave she was for spelling words on her own without asking for help. Such great confidence. I put the note on the counter and left for the week. Her mother read her the note and reported back to me that Liska loved it and appreciated it.
Fast forward to this past Sunday evening. As I was tucking Liska in and talking to her about my week and how much I was going to miss her, I said "Would you like me to write you another note?" And her response was "Daddy, I write the best notes. Why don't you just let me write all the notes ok?" I couldn't help laughing as her sincerity was that of Bill Lumberg saying " about I write the notes from now on...mmmkay? Great" She is a hoot.
So, here are a couple pics from Labor Day weekend in Austin (first Longhorn game) and this past weekend. Hope you enjoy them. I know you are used to me not posting much, but get your asses back on track with reading this thing and commenting or you might just lose me again. :-)

what a good looking family!!
Hope everyone is doing well.
much love to all!
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Correction, my dear - Liska's high score on Wii bowling is 289 - with a perfect game until the 10th frame. :-)
The Big Liskawoski!! Congrats to Liska on being such a big girl and so smart. She got that from Kat's side, right?!?
Jak, I feel your pain. Why, just the other day I went to pick up Claira from daycare instead of Greg. She asked why Daddy hadn't come to pick her up, and I replied 'He's busy working around the house.' She shot back with, 'Well, why couldn't YOU do the work and let HIM come???' Touche, kid, touche. I'll remind her of that when she is ready to go off to college, only to find that I have spent all her 529 dough! AAAH ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
During those times, solely OpenDocument Data format, or ODF, fulfilled their state The item division's specification of an empty conventional, that has been definitely not reinforced inside Microsoft Office.Since that time, on the other hand, Microsoft features sent Office 2007 downlaod in the Start XML file models to help Ecma, where by we were looking at accredited as being a standard. The particular Intercontinental Company to get Standardization (ISO), that retains sizeable pounds having government authorities around the world, is Office 2007 considering calling recognize Workplace Start XML like a normal. Microsoft office 2007
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