Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"You're Chinese!"

So, we were at Liska's parents last Monday having dinner. I was supposed to be in Chicago on business, but my trip there was cancelled last second on Sunday night...Liska had already called Kat's mom and made her dinner order for Monday, so here we are...having dinner with Kat's parents on Monday night.

Monday also happens to be the day at Liska's preschool where they have spanish class. Every Monday, Liska comes home and "teaches" Kat and I some new spanish words. This week, it was "Buenos dia, me llamo 'say your name'" So, we repeat after her and say our names and she has taught us spanish and she is happy...as are we.

SO, we get to Kat's parents and are having a great dinner and I say to Liska "did you teach goong goong and pau pau how to speak spanish yet?" Liska looks at me like I have three heads...I say it again "did you teach goong goong and pau pau spanish yet?" Now Liska laughs...thinks I am kidding and says it..."Daddy...you are teasing me." I convince her that I am not teasing her and why would she think so? "Daddy...I can't teach them spanish...they're Chinese!"

I say "Liska, so you are, you goofball!". She says "No I am not, I am English." I say "no, you are half welsh/finnish/irish/choctaw/scottish and half chinese." "No I am not...I am English!" with more gusto. I say "Your mommy is Chinese, which makes you half Chinese." "Mommy is not Chinese...you and mommy are English!"

aye de mi. We are going to have to work on this one and her lack of cultural awareness. She even changed her Wii from darker toned skin to pure white tonight. What the heck is she dealing with in her pre-school class that is causing this??? I knew it was going to be trouble coming to Oklahoma!

Anywho...it was funny when it happened, but kind of disturbing. Is there any room back in Cali?

Much love to all!


That is hi-larious. Who knew that Santa Clarita was a hotbed of cultural awareness and diversity??
hey,....I'm Chinese. It all depends what you're cooking though! Greg
So, Greg - I am Chinese, but if I cook Mexican food for dinner, does that mean I am Mexican? :-)
what do you mean? i thought you ARE mexican...
I knew Kat was Chinese the day I saw her pregnant, barefoot, and doing the dishes in the downstairs bathroom. The icing on the cake that day was when Kat saw me, I asked Jak, "Does she speak English?" and Jak replied "not sure?" just as Kat did a respectful bow. OMG funny stuff!
True story.
Oh, also the homemade goyza potstikers! Yummy.
I think the word she is struggling for is "American" and you never mentioned the Welsh blood line - I might personally keep that one quiet :)

JOS - 'A Brit at home'
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