Friday, April 27, 2007


I Miss The Browns

Aren't these kids the cutest? Well, of course they are. I feel priveleged to see them every weekend. :-/
Yes, I am working like a dog and have been staying exceedingly busy the past few weeks, hence no new blogs. Well, tonight, I am on a role because I just updated the no fun blog and now I am writing here. I wore myself out on the other one though, so I just wanted to give a quick update...
Liska got her first haircut last week...she looks great. See above. Hagen is doing great. He is getting very close to walking and is less vocal in a bad way and more vocal in a good other words, less screamapillar and more gaga googoo. Very cute!
We close on the new house on Tuesday. VERY excited about that. We will take pics when we move in and post them here so you can see what Tulsa has to offer. It rocks, baby!
So, I have started wasting my precious free time on the road by watching videos on iFilm. I was watching Dani California on Wednesday (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and started to miss the Browns terribly for some reason...I mean I miss seeing them most times, but it got really bad this week. Not sure why. So, I am trying to figure out how I can get out there...and today, I found out that EquaTerra is proposing to do work for Mattel....right there in LA. So, I am going to start lobbying to get on that project. I just have to hope it starts after the Red Cross project I am currently on ends. We'll see how that works out.
So, hi Browns! I hope all is going well. I don't know how to use a telephone, so this is the only way I can communicate. :-) Say hi to the girls for me.
much love to all!

It's about time you dealt with your emotions. Go on, let it all out. Cry for me. Cry. Cry!!! (See Christmas Story bully rant)
We also miss you guys and to make matters worse, the new owners of your pad have that damn black car which at a quick glance reminds me of your VW. Of course I have to stop that first step towards "your house" cause your not there. I hang my head and cry. Really. I do. NOT!!! See, I deal with the greif with sick humor.It's fun. You outta try it.
I'm taking Claira to the car show this morning while Annalee is at a Girl Scout Camp-out and Denise sleeps. Reminds me of the time you and I took Liska and Claira there. What great shots we took of them that glorious morning. Ahh, good times, good times!!
We haven't replaced you on the drums yet. It must be either your shoes are too big to fill or that whole "spontaneous combustion" thing that's going around??? (See Spinal Tap)
Well, I gotta stop typing now. The tears are starting to mess with the keypad. There I go again. Greg.
PS. the kids look like they have grown quite a bit.
PSS. Good luck on the Mattel gig. There's a home for sale at the corner of Dunsmore and Waterford. You in?
I'm in...we're looking for a vacation home. waaaaaaaaah! :-P
love, kat
The kids are the most precious things ever! They already look so much older. We miss you guys!
wow, am I lucky or what? I have one of the cutest nieces and nephews in the world....wait hold on, Spencer and Quinn are my niece and nephew too. HA HA....I have the cutest nieces and nephews in the world!!!! Kids look GREAT, which is quite surprising normally children receive atleast some of the father's genes, oh well.
About the Tulsa rocks comment…um yes, uh….you do realize some of us have been there? Love you guys…oops…y’all
Interesting that watching Keidis, Flea and the gang made you think of us... ;-P
testing..did not accept my last write up:(...did you remove my name as allowable to leave a comment??? love your sista...
did you get a chance to read bri's blog...pylesinroyaloak.blogspot.comit is great!...the two bros are authors and techies...left me (your sister) in the dust:(...
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