Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I Know None of you like serious blogs, but...
So, as many of you saw a couple posts ago, my brother Brian seems to have “come around” to my viewpoint regarding the war in Iraq. And, through an informal survey of his fellow soldiers, only about 10% of those on the ground think that the war is a good idea and most feel that George Bush has a personal agenda. So, before I do a victory dance and start ranting about King George, let me make one thing abundantly clear…no matter how against the war I (or anyone I know) am, it is 100% imperative that we support the troops. They are doing their duty and will follow orders as required. They didn’t start this war, but they are doing their damndest to end it as soon as possible. To a certain extent, their hands are tied by beaurocratic bullshit (my theory, not something from anyone there) and a situation in Iraq that was not predicted by the ones giving the orders. So, I don’t want anyone to think that opposing the war and supporting the troops are mutually exclusive. You CAN do both. It is the American way.
How do we do both on a practical level? By setting deadlines on troop withdrawal? By pulling them out right now? By letting the war carry on until a yet to be communicated case for victory can be made? There is certainly no easy answer to this. My personal opinion (clouded somewhat by the fact I have a loved one over there) is that we should just bring the boys home. Would this be abandoning Iraq? Or would this be doing what the majority of Iraqs want? Would this be providing fodder for the next Al Qaeda recruitment video? Or would this free up troops to fight terrorism where it is actually occurring? It might do all of the above, but there is one thing that it will definitely do. It will prevent more of our young people from dying while defending a foreign country that may or may not even want us there.
I have often made two arguments against the War on Terrorism in general and the War in Iraq in particular (two things that SHOULD be mutually exclusive).
The War on Terrorism is akin to the War on Drugs, i.e. it is a war that cannot be ‘won’. Not that progress cannot be made, but it cannot be won. We will never completely eradicate drugs from the face of the Earth and the same can be said of terrorism. It will always be there. So, to that end, how can we ever claim victory? And “going after them” seems to be less fruitful than determining ways to make their ‘cause’ less attractive to young Arabs.
The War in Iraq is simply a shift in who dies during the War on Terrorism from rich stock brokers in NYC to poor minorities in Iraq. If you think about it, it took almost 10 years for Al Qaeda to plot the attack against the twin towers. So, over 10 years, some 2-3K people ended up dying..mostly wealthy professionals. So, we decide to take the war to them rather than spending the money protecting ourselves (a whole other rant). In effect, this has caused thousands more deaths. About 3,000 americans and perhaps hundreds of thousands Iraqis.
How is this the right answer? Do you think, maybe, that if we spend billions of dollars protecting our borders and our points of entry (airports/seaports), fewer people would have died and we would worry less about what danger color we were living under? Let me ask you this…if you believed that your family was in danger of being the victim of someone coming to your house and doing you harm…would you buy a top of the line home security system or would you roam the country looking for people that might be bad guys and shoot them down one by one? Well, if King George really wanted to protect his American family, maybe he should go out and buy a top of the line defense system for our country and stop going around the world shooting people and getting our people killed in the process. I am tired of it.
My two cents….would love to hear yours. And if you do comment, I promise to go back to lighter fare. J
Much love to all!
How do we do both on a practical level? By setting deadlines on troop withdrawal? By pulling them out right now? By letting the war carry on until a yet to be communicated case for victory can be made? There is certainly no easy answer to this. My personal opinion (clouded somewhat by the fact I have a loved one over there) is that we should just bring the boys home. Would this be abandoning Iraq? Or would this be doing what the majority of Iraqs want? Would this be providing fodder for the next Al Qaeda recruitment video? Or would this free up troops to fight terrorism where it is actually occurring? It might do all of the above, but there is one thing that it will definitely do. It will prevent more of our young people from dying while defending a foreign country that may or may not even want us there.
I have often made two arguments against the War on Terrorism in general and the War in Iraq in particular (two things that SHOULD be mutually exclusive).
The War on Terrorism is akin to the War on Drugs, i.e. it is a war that cannot be ‘won’. Not that progress cannot be made, but it cannot be won. We will never completely eradicate drugs from the face of the Earth and the same can be said of terrorism. It will always be there. So, to that end, how can we ever claim victory? And “going after them” seems to be less fruitful than determining ways to make their ‘cause’ less attractive to young Arabs.
The War in Iraq is simply a shift in who dies during the War on Terrorism from rich stock brokers in NYC to poor minorities in Iraq. If you think about it, it took almost 10 years for Al Qaeda to plot the attack against the twin towers. So, over 10 years, some 2-3K people ended up dying..mostly wealthy professionals. So, we decide to take the war to them rather than spending the money protecting ourselves (a whole other rant). In effect, this has caused thousands more deaths. About 3,000 americans and perhaps hundreds of thousands Iraqis.
How is this the right answer? Do you think, maybe, that if we spend billions of dollars protecting our borders and our points of entry (airports/seaports), fewer people would have died and we would worry less about what danger color we were living under? Let me ask you this…if you believed that your family was in danger of being the victim of someone coming to your house and doing you harm…would you buy a top of the line home security system or would you roam the country looking for people that might be bad guys and shoot them down one by one? Well, if King George really wanted to protect his American family, maybe he should go out and buy a top of the line defense system for our country and stop going around the world shooting people and getting our people killed in the process. I am tired of it.
My two cents….would love to hear yours. And if you do comment, I promise to go back to lighter fare. J
Much love to all!
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Quinn spends many nights pondering deep thoughts. Last night's question--"What is the meaning of life?" My immediate response was "Do we need an answer?" His thoughtful reply was "Yes, as life is meaningful". Trying to come up with something more profound, I changed my response to "for each person to share his/her own special gifts with the world". Quinn's reply, "I think you are probably incorrect". My response, "Really? I thought it was a pretty good answer." Quinn's said - "Good try Mom, but the meaning of life is to create a kinder and gentler world as each of us pursues our life; our liberty; and, our happiness." So yes, peace is the answer! If Brian reads today's Blog, I love you, support you, and are honored and proud to have you in my life!
Jason great thoughts! Mom, nice add-on.
Let me make this very clear. I love my country and will do whatever it ask. We were sent here to train Iraqi Police so they can become self-sufficient. Well 10% of our time here so far has been spent training an Iraqi Police force, who is afraid to go outside. Rightfully so as they have been stopped on the way to work and told if they show up again they will be killed. This is re-enforced by several of there heads found in the local city fountain. after one of our IP stations was attacked (2 wounded, and two dead) we showed up 3 weeks later to assess the damage. Hmmmm, can't figure out why they are not motivated? The other 90% of our time is spent fighting an enemy that we can't even see.
The goverment will pay 60 polices officers a fair wage for this country(if thats possible) actual IP's at a station at any given time is 4 to 7 on average.
The job we are tasked with is secondary, we will occupie Iraq for an eternity at this pace.
Mom do not be so hard on people, it's difficult to deal with something and understand it, a half world away.
As for the support it is amazing. I recieved a box from a 24 year old college student, it must have cost her 50 bucks to buy and send everything. She says she hates the war, hates bush, but wanted to do something to show her support for the soldiers.....and that seems to be the rule, not the exception to it.
Anyway, support your troops, they may have joined the military out of a sense of patriotism, or love of god, for college money, or because it was the only oppertunity they had, or like me, for patriotism and guilt.
A lot of people have told me they could never do it. We all understand and appreciate them knowing there limitations. We do it because we can. pretty simple. Just understand us, and the fact whatever the reason for us being here, no matter our path to this point, or our personal beliefs about the current goverment or situation here. We follow orders, WITHOUT question and we all love our country!
Let me make this very clear. I love my country and will do whatever it ask. We were sent here to train Iraqi Police so they can become self-sufficient. Well 10% of our time here so far has been spent training an Iraqi Police force, who is afraid to go outside. Rightfully so as they have been stopped on the way to work and told if they show up again they will be killed. This is re-enforced by several of there heads found in the local city fountain. after one of our IP stations was attacked (2 wounded, and two dead) we showed up 3 weeks later to assess the damage. Hmmmm, can't figure out why they are not motivated? The other 90% of our time is spent fighting an enemy that we can't even see.
The goverment will pay 60 polices officers a fair wage for this country(if thats possible) actual IP's at a station at any given time is 4 to 7 on average.
The job we are tasked with is secondary, we will occupie Iraq for an eternity at this pace.
Mom do not be so hard on people, it's difficult to deal with something and understand it, a half world away.
As for the support it is amazing. I recieved a box from a 24 year old college student, it must have cost her 50 bucks to buy and send everything. She says she hates the war, hates bush, but wanted to do something to show her support for the soldiers.....and that seems to be the rule, not the exception to it.
Anyway, support your troops, they may have joined the military out of a sense of patriotism, or love of god, for college money, or because it was the only oppertunity they had, or like me, for patriotism and guilt.
A lot of people have told me they could never do it. We all understand and appreciate them knowing there limitations. We do it because we can. pretty simple. Just understand us, and the fact whatever the reason for us being here, no matter our path to this point, or our personal beliefs about the current goverment or situation here. We follow orders, WITHOUT question and we all love our country!
great comments by all. thanks for participating. as promised, I will go back to lighter fare now. :-)
mom, I meant don't be so hard on the people that contiued to talk about the music and for the most part ignored what i wrote. Yes the "ok that was hard to follow, but on a lighter note" comment kind of pissed me off too. I am realizing that a lot of Americans really don't care if it doesnt happen on there front porch.....but the majority do. Love ya mom.
Let's make sure we all understand something here...I control the conversation on this blog. I am the BLOG MASTER! :-) If some of you want to control how others respond and whether or not people want to be serious, it is going to scare (and,honestly,has scared) people off from making future comments. And that is not the kind of environment I want to foster on this blog. I appreciate everyone's comments whether they are serious, funny, dumb or otherwise. Let's not begin passing judgement on others. It just ain't right. I can say for certain that "ignoring" Bri's post had nothing to do with a lack of caring about what is going on over there, it was just what that person felt like writing in reference to the original blog post. Which is what the comment field is meant for. I feel like people are getting defensive and taking things personally here (and being protective). SO...in deference to those that prefer to have serious, deep conversations about things that matter in the world, I have started a new blog. Go to jaksnofunblog.blogspot.com. First post is kinda rough as Liska was pulling me away, but you will get the picture. :-)
I'm all about the peace also...in fact i tried to get a little peace last night, but was thrown out at first!!
Let's not also forget another great Beatles quote: "I am the walrus, coo- coo ca choo" which we all know when translated from walrus means give peace a chance.
(Oh Blog Master. Could you file this one under the funny category?) Thanks. Greg
Let's not also forget another great Beatles quote: "I am the walrus, coo- coo ca choo" which we all know when translated from walrus means give peace a chance.
(Oh Blog Master. Could you file this one under the funny category?) Thanks. Greg
Please let Brian know that we all appreciate what he is doing whether we think it is right or not. People never share the same views on war and never will understand why soldiers sign up for duty.
DeAnn (your cuz)
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Please let Brian know that we all appreciate what he is doing whether we think it is right or not. People never share the same views on war and never will understand why soldiers sign up for duty.
DeAnn (your cuz)
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