Thursday, March 15, 2007


This Day in History

March 15, 2002 was a busy day for me. After 6 months in the mortgage lending business, I was beginning to hit my stride. I had partnered with a "slum lord" who had made personal loans to low-income families in central Texas as sort of "mortgages", but had grown tired of the business and wanted a return on his investment. So, he asked me to go visit each of these people, tell them they needed to refinance with my company because he was no longer interested in holding their liens. On this particular day, I drove up to Harker Heights and was having a particularly miserable time when I received a call from my friend Craig.

"Hey want to check out South by Southwest tonight?"

"I don't have a wristband and I am about 100 miles away right, I am planning on hooping with McElvaney. How about tomorrow?"

"Dude, it is opening have to go. Just get back here, grab a wristband and meet us at our house."

Since it had been a particularly awful day with a run-in with a Rottweiler and many blank stares from these people who didn't quite understand what was happening to them, I agreed. So, I headed back south to Austin.

Now, I am never one to skip a basketball game, so I got home, changed into my hoops clothes, packed some clothes for the evening and set out to get my wristband (for the uninitiated, you had to have a wristband to get into the 100 or so clubs that played host to SXSW). Before I got too far, I realized I was running late and that I should go straight to b-ball and then get my wristband. Which I did...great run...very hard...which meant very sweaty.

Feeling good, I got my sweaty self into my Ford Exploder and headed to Albertsons to get my wristband (note, this was about 10 miles out of the way, but that is what I get for poor planning). On the way over to Craig's house, I was in a rush and got nailed for speeding. First speeding ticket in years!

So, now I am really running late...but not too late that I can't stop by Mickey Ds and grab a number 10, Supersize with a Diet Coke (for those who don't know, the number 10 is the 10 piece Chicken McNugget meal).

Finally, I arrive at Craig's house...sweaty, basketball gear, hauling a big bag of saturated fat. I notice in the driveway a black VW Beetle. Not sure why I noticed it, I just remember really taking notice of that...anyway, I get inside and start telling Craig about the game and about how I need to take a "Mexican" shower (yes, I know it is inappropriate, but it seemed like the right thing to say at the time), could I borrow his bathroom sink. As he was imploring me to take an actual shower, the most amazing thing of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen appeared out of nowhere...from the back room of Craig's house actually, but it appeared to be from out of nowhere.

I kid you not, the next 10 seconds of my life happened in slow motion...I remember it to this day...she turned the corner, hair flowing, long legs moving toward us, incredibly white teeth and a ridiculously charming smile....hubba hubba, right? I heard no sound for this brief period, so I am not sure what was said, but the next thing I knew, I was being introduced to a Ms. Kathy Huang, aka Kat. With a mouth full of nugget, I wiped my greasy hand on my sweaty shorts and reached out to shake her hand. To her credit, she took the offer and shook my hand back. I then excused myself to go take my sink shower and spruce up for the evening...

Fast forward to a couple hours later...watching Eric Johnson perform, Kat started to get a bit squeamish. I asked her if she wanted to go get something to drink and she liked the idea. She broke off and went to the restroom and asked me to get her something. All they had was sodas, beer and Red Bull...thinking that she needed "wings" I bought two Red Bulls. She was less than thrilled at that and politely declined. So, stuck with two Red Bulls, I drank one and put the other one in my ample pockets (cargo pants). Later on in the evening, still feeling a bit sheepish, Kat was looking, as the gentleman I am, I offered her the warm Red Bull from my pocket. She looked at me like I had 3 heads. A little bit less politely than before, she declined. What a snob! Who would turn down a warm Red Bull that had a thin layer of cotton between it and my unclean, dried sweat body? sheesh! Well, my heart was in the right place.

To cap the evening off, I had by this time decided that Kat was somehow going to be a part of my life and sooner rather than later. So, at our last stop (another loud bar), I decided that full-disclosure was needed...some reason, this meant showing Kat how hairy my stomach was...didn't want her to gag at some later date when I revealed it and it became awkward, ya know. I also decided that the noise level at the bar was such that I needed to firmly place my hand on the small of her back as I leaned my ear down to her mouth so I could better hear the beautiful sounds she was emitting. ;-) I think this was the real deal sealer.

Anyway, the evening came to an end, I had met my future wife and I looked forward to seeing her again very soon....little did I know we would be engaged 4 months later, married a year to the day later, celebrating our first anniversary with a 2 month old daughter and living in California and now celebrating our 4 year anniversary with a 3 year old, a 10 month old and living in Tulsa, OK. It has been a real whirlwind!

So, Happy Anniversary Kathy Huang Knight...I knew from day one that you were the one. If I could have heard anything at the time, you may have had me at Hello, but you certainly had me at first sight. Here's to many MANY more years of love and happiness.

And to everyone else on this happiest of days....if the house is rockin, don't bother knockin'...just leave! ;-)

Oh, Jak...what'd you do???!!!

Happy Anniversary to you, too, and may we be blessed with many, many more years of happiness. :-)

Much love to you,
Well Happy Anniversary... it's going to take a lot of steel wool to get the sappiness off of me... could have been worse.

Hope all is well.
Party like it's 1999!!!! Happy Anniversary you love birds. The Browns
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