Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So Much to Say

EDITOR'S NOTE: Jak is not a happy camper today, so please, if you are under 18 please do not read this post. I cuss a LOT.

Over the past couple weeks, I must have thought of half a dozen different blog posts that I wanted to write...I just haven't taken the time. Well, I have had the time...I have been on the road in D.C. the past two weeks and in Ft. Lauderdale this week. Its just that the topics I have been thinking of have been emotionally draining...I guess I have been reading and watching the news too much. It is really upsetting. I liked it better when I just watched Sports Center all the time or spent my free time drinking and jammin' with Greg. I mean, have you read the papers lately? We live in a pretty fucked up country/world! Last week I read about this guy and his parents who raped a SIX year old kid and then put him in a fucking trashbag and left him on the side of the road...can you believe that??? It makes me so fucking mad. I mean really. Can you imagine even thinking of hurting a SIX YEAR OLD kid??? And then having so much disdain for him that you put him in a fucking trashbag? Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick. It reminded me of that fucker that went into the Amish school and killed those little girls a few months back. I wrote a little bit about that, but it just takes too much out of me. I just keep wondering what the hell is wrong with people. What is it about society that causes people to do these things? Is it just human nature for some people? Is it drugs? Is it the pressure of living in a society where you are an outcast if you are not successful or beautiful? What causes people to pick on those who are unable to defend themselves? I post pictures of my kids on this site as much as I can so I can show off to the world how beautiful and wonderful they are. I can't imagine ever wanting to hurt them. And, if anyone did hurt them, I fear that I would be consumed with exacting revenge. Seriously. It kills me to think that way, but even in play situations when another 3 year old is mean to Liska, I want to go over and give the kid a wedgie. haha Not really, but I can see that it gets my dander up whenever I think Liska is getting her feelings hurt.

Anyway...I was watching TV last night as I was unable to get to sleep. There were two documentaries on about drug abuse. One about teens that got involved in drugs early and tried to get treatment...some were successful and others were not. But, the ending was very poignant and got me to thinking. Society tends to judge kids on drugs as being poorly raised or bad kids or miscreants or whatever. And the end of this documentary showed a mom who was fighting for insurance companies to cover inpatient and outpatient drug treatment for kids. You see, her kid died of an overdose the week after her insurance denied coverage of his admittance into a program. But, as she was making her speech she held up a blown-up picture of her boy. She said "I know that when you see these pictures and pictures of other young people who have died of a drug overdose, you think 'look at that druggie'. When we as parents look at these pictures, we think of cowboy boots and ballet shoes. Of looking into our baby's eyes and seeing the pure innocence and knowing that raising this gift of a young person would be trial and error, but we would do our best." I think this is something that is important for each of us to remember. If you see someone in your life that is suffering from an addiction...of any kind...reach out to support rather than pulling back and judging or condemning. It is a chance to make a real difference in someone's life just through acts of basic kindness.

Whew...glad I got that out. Very draining for me. Thanks for listening...I don't rant much, but when I do you better well listen! haha

Oh, I have been listening to a lot of DMB lately and I heard some lyrics that were very relevant to this blog:

If I had the strength to
I would leave you up
To your own devices
Will you not talk?
Can you take pity?
I don't ask much
But won't you SPEAK....please.

In other words, comment on the damn blog! :-)

much love to all!


You said "dander".
Wow and holy crap, calm the F down. Ha ha ha. The other person was right, you said dander. Dork. As far as the 6 year old goes, it’s really hard to believe that not only one person, but also an entire family could be so f’ed up. The drug thing I have different opinions about, I mean remember the one time mom didn’t buy us candy?????? DO YOU???? HUH????? Well needless to say we did not turn to drugs, we tried but we couldn’t score any at the ages of 2 and 7 in Swartz Creek. Thanks mom.
A great rule of thumb: if you're stressed out and feeling down, don't watch a documentary. Trust me. You'll live longer.
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