Monday, February 19, 2007
Liska's Interview with Doctor Brian
So, being that I have been on the bench the past couple weeks, I have been much more involved in the kids lives...feeding them, changing them, putting them down for naps...enjoying their cuteness and enduring their not-so-cuteness. It has been a real learning experience. What have I learned you ask...I have learned to really appreciate every day I go into work. haha Just kidding....though I have learned that it is a tough, yet rewarding job that Kat performs. And I can only imagine what it was like when we actually had to keep the house that the house is off the market, it is back to being a dump! :-)
Anyway, I accompanied the family to the Pediatrician's office today. Liska had her 3 year wellness check-up and Hagen had his 9 month checkup. Liska continues to be average height and very light and Hagen is way above average height (75th percentile) and is VERY light. So much so that they had to run some tests to make sure he is ok. So, we will be keeping a close eye on that. I think he is just buring a lot of calories with all his screaming and crying, but I don't have the fancy degrees on my wall either, so we will wait and see what Dr. Brian has to say about that.
So, the real jewel of this particular doctor visit was that Brian interviewed Liska. Apparently, they do this at age 3 to see how they are progressing. So, here is a loose transcript of the interview:
Dr. Brian: Hi Liska, I am going to ask you a few questions, ok?
Liska: OK
Dr. Brian: Liska, are there things at home that you like to ride?
Liska: I like to ride my horsey
Dr. Brian: Oh, that's nice. Do you also have a bike or a tricycle?
Liska: I have a tricycle in the back yard, but it is all wet (EDITOR'S NOTE: it rained last night)
Dr. Brian: Yes, I am sure it rained, huh. So, can you push the pedals on your tricycle.
Liska: I can, but the seat is all wet. (pretty adamant now)
Dr. Brian confirms this with parents.
Dr. Brian: That's great. Now, are you able to dress yourself?
Liska: I can put my pants on, but mommy and daddy put my shirt on for me.
Dr. Brian: So, they help with your shirt...what if they aren't with you, can you put on the shirt by yourself.
Liska: If mommy and daddy aren't there, then I yell for them to come help me with my shirt.
Dr. Brian: Ok, but can you do your arms by yourself?
Liska: Mommy and daddy help me.
Dr. Brian confirms with parents...yes, she can do her arms by herself
Dr. Brian: Liska, do you like to swim?
Liska: I love to swim
Dr. Brian confirms with parents...she does not swim at all, though lately, every time we pass the pool, she tells us how she loves to jump in the pool and make a big splash, but she gets upset when her pony tail gets wet. what a diva!
Dr. Brian: Ok Liska, let's see if you can make some shapes for me
He draws a circle and Liska draws a circle...he draws a plus sign and Liska draws a plus sign. We then (bragadociously) tell Dr. B that she can write her brother's name. He says "you tell her the letter and she writes it?"..we say, no, she just does it from memory. He says "let's see it." Liska then proceeds to blow his freakin mind and writes a perfect HAGEn. A very proud moment for the Knight family. Check it out:

So, on another note, I have decided to actually start working on the real novel that I wanted to True Confessions of a Compulsive Liar was fun while it lasted, but I have been inspired by a fellow Longhorn to move forward with my little project. Just know, that it is a certain best seller and an even more successful screenplay, but I won't forget all you loyal blogaids when it goes big. I might ignore your phone calls and act like I don't know you when I see you on the street, but I won't forget you.
Much love to all!
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The fallen acorns are closer to this mommy's tree. This little sweet and sassy superstar is 75% me. :D
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