Saturday, August 26, 2006


Reality Bites

So, I know it has been quite a while since I have posted. I have been exceedingly busy and, quite frankly, uninspired to write. Not sure why. There just has been little going on in our lives that seems noteworthy...I work, work-out and play with the kiddos...Kat hangs out with the kids, teaches piano and hangs out with me. We painted the master bedroom last weekend and the master bath this weekend. Tomorrow should be really exciting though as I plan to add laundry and vacuuming to the mix. That's just how I roll. :-)

We are getting very excited about football season and even more excited about the Michigan clan's trip out here to Valencia. As is my MO (modus operandi for you non-latin acronym knowing individuals), I don't really get overly excited or anxious about upcoming events until they actually happen. Not sure why. Maybe my brain just won't allow me to set expectations about things in advance...this can be good and bad. It is good because some of the exciting sports events I have been to have never failed to exceed my wildest dreams. I'm never disappointed because I expected too much. It can be bad too because it doesn't allow me to prepare myself for some things that need to be prepared for...things need to be done sometimes to prevent a big letdown or sudden realization.

Such is the case with my older brother Brian. You see, Bri guy decided a few months ago to sign up for the Army Reserve. He did this knowing full well that there was more than a slight chance that he would be shipped off to Iraq. I also knew this, but my mind wouldn't allow me to dwell on it. Just went on with my life periodically stopping to comment on what a nimrod he was for signing up during a crisis such as the Iraq occupation. So, time goes by and I hear rumors that he may be getting called up in the fall. Maybe deployed to Iraq. But, again, no worries. Sounds like it might happen, but the reality of it has not really sunk in. I do start to wonder if Brian is the most selfish person in the world for doing this or if he is truly just wanting to serve his country. He doesn't naturally fit into either category. Has always given his shirt off his back for his family and friends. And I don't see him as being Joe Red White and Blue man either. So, on with my merry life.

Well, I found out last week that Brian, at the ripe old age of 39, is getting deployed. He is going to Fort Dix (I'm sure he will have fun with that one) on September 7 and then going to Mosul in Iraq to train Iraqi Security forces. That's right. He will be out and about in Iraq, hanging out with those individuals the insurgents like to target most. So, I hear this from my mom while I am travelling back to LA from St. Louis and am still pretty much blase about the whole thing. But, for some reason, reality finally hit me on the drive home from LAX. I actually started thinking about the blog I would write about this development and the words that were coming into my head were very angry. I was really pissed off about this. Then, the floodgates opened and I started thinking about the fact that when I say goodbye to my bro over Labor Day, there is a better than even chance that I will not see him again. That my mom will join the thousands of other moms in getting that nightmare call from the government talking about how Brian Pyle had given his life in honor of our freedom, yadda yadda yadda. And I got even madder. I hate freakin' crying and here I was having to pull over on the 405 to get my wits about me. Then I was mad for being mad as it was not the emotion I wanted to feel if, indeed, this was the last time I was going to see him. So, I have basically decided to treat him like a great brother next weekend and withold judgement. If he dies in Iraq, then I will get mad and call him bad names. If he survives, I will welcome him back with open arms and then sear his eyes with a hot poker as the Army won't make him go back if he is blind. I'm taking volunteers to help hold him down.

So, what is the point of all this? Nothing for you people. Just a little therapy for me. Don't think I have to explain the title of the blog this time.

For those of you waiting on the next chapter of my book, I appreciate your excitement, but please stop camping on my lawn and leave my wife and kids out of this. We don't need paparrazi chasing us all over town. I will give you a hint about the coming chapters. Some working titles:

The Zip Heard Round the World
My night at Abu Ghraib
The Hairiest of the Knights
Engaging in Homosexual Activity aka My Introduction to Wave Runners

So, somethings to look forward to. I do my writing on the train and am back on-board this week.

Much love to all...thanks for continuing to listen to my ramblings!!



Thanks so much for clarifying your position. Since the last time I saw you, I was still working off the whole "wanting to kill Arabs" thing. I know you were just jerking my chain to get a reaction, but I had not heard any other explanation, so I had to make up my own. :-) Obviously, I think Bush is a dipshit and that the war on terror is no different than the war on drugs. Great for headlines and sound bytes, but ultimately ineffective. It only took 4 dudes to bomb those trains in London. We aren't going to kill them all...and as long as we don't address the real issue (our support of Israel, etc.), arab fanatics will continue to hate us with a passion and try to disrupt our lives. No matter what we do in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc.

But, despite all that, I am most concerned about your health and welfare. It is depressing to think that this weekend may be the last time I will see you and that is really what I was trying to convey. That thought pisses me off.

Regarding your nuptials, I was not going to mention your new bride's obvious lack of taste, but glad you brought it up. She seems to be a beautiful girl and has a good looking kid. I'm sure he and Liska will get along great. Just tell him to keep his hands to himself. Liska is really cute and he is at that age where I'm sure he can be a bit aggressive. haha

Alright man...see you this weekend. Thanks for posting. I'm sure my legion of fans will be glad to meet you.
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