Friday, August 11, 2006
Long time, no pics

Why is it that some things improve with age? I mean, we all know that wine improves with age...but only certain wines. That box of vino I bought last night will probably go bad rather than improve. Also, it seems that when Kat makes pasta or chili, it is always much better the next day or the day after that. But, when I made the same dishes in the past, a couple days later, mold would be forming. So, what is the differentiating factor? Why are some things more apt to age better than others...not only age better, but actually become a superior product over time? It seems to me that those things that are developed with great care and utilize the best ingredients are more likely to age more gracefully. So, maybe this explains why someone who has made great strides in developing himself with exercise and has made it a habit to only put the best, most healthy foods into his pie hole, would also improve with age...maybe? Regardless of all that, there can be no doubt that my Pops, Don Knight, has certainly improved with age. The same guy that would call me from Pennsylvania as he snuck a smoke out in the shed (I would hear periodic, forceful exhales and ask what in the world he was doing...blowing out smoke), drink cases of beer each week and load his freezer with raw meat has somehow transformed himself into a top tier athlete. I know this not because he came to California and got lost on a walk and went 10 miles out of his way without, I know this because I just verified on the US Masters website that Arthur Donald Knight, aka Pops, won bronze medals in the National 5K and 10K racewalks. That's right, I said National. Held at UNC Charlotte, he raced against some of the top race walkers in the country and was only beaten out by 2 people!!! It really is rather amazing and I find it difficult to express how proud I am of him, but, Pops, you have come a long way and you are truly a role model for your son.
So, in my attempt to keep up with the Popses, I continue to train for my triathlon. Here is what my schedule has been since mid-July:
4:30am - Wake up
5:30am - Begin workout -- Mon, Wed, Fri is weight training and Tues, Thurs is basketball
7:30am - Begin work -- work has been CRAZY! I presented to the US purchasing team this morning, will be presenting to the North American Promotion Council on Tuesday and have just finished drafting a PowerPoint for a 3 hour presentation to the Latin American purchasing organization. That will be my first with microphone, on stage in front of 100+. Should be interesting.
4:30pm - Head home
5:15pm - Play with Liska for 30 minutes
6:00pm - go to track and run or go to pool and swim for 30 minutes
8pm - Put Liska down
11pm - Put Hagen down
11pm-1am - more work
4:30am - wake up and start over again.
So, I am pretty much always tired. Once this tri is done, I will be able to get some rest. I'm also trying to hire someone to support me at work, so that will help as well. The good news is that I am now down to 223lbs, so have lost 27 since March 1. I feel great!
Speaking of the tri being done, the Michigan clan will be down right after that and I just wanted you all to know that we will have plenty of shampoo and shaving cream and any other water based product that you won't be able to carry on the plane. We got ya covered, so fear not!!
OK...I am sure there are other things to report, but I will save some for next time. I know this goes without saying, but our kids continue to be perfect. If by perfect, you mean they don't sleep much and Liska gets spontaneous bloody noses and waits for Kat to start nursing Hagen and starts to really act up knowing that Kat cannot stop her. Other than that, they are perfect. Liska is sooo cute as she continues to expand her vocabulary. Hagen smiles so much and coos and farts like a champ. That's my boy!!
Alright. I know if I type much longer, it won't get read. If you want to follow the progress of my book "True Confessions of a Compulsive Liar", check it out at Be forewarned that it basically takes what I do here to a new, bizarre level. And I use dirty words. :-)
Much love to all!!
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Excellent pics! I think Hagen's cheeks will crack if he smiles any harder!
Thanks for the exercise schedule. Now I know why I DON'T exercise regularly...sleep is WAY too important to me! :) Denise
Thanks for the exercise schedule. Now I know why I DON'T exercise regularly...sleep is WAY too important to me! :) Denise
Don - Congrats!! Great job....JAK, I feel for your schedule. I had been getting up at 5 a.m. for the last 6 months to work out, but on Monday, I called it quits. I can't take being sleep deprived anymore:). You on the other hand, have always been able to get out of bed for basketball over the years so it is amazing that you can still keep up the pace. I will go read your short story now...Cute pics of the kids!! Love to you, Kat, and the kids.....Kirsten
You are a great writer! I love the title of your first novel. Should I be posting book comments on this blog or your other blog? The other blog requires me to create an account???? I look forward to seeing the next chapter, you ended it too soon. One question, I thought you were born via c-section? Mom -- can you confirm? Or, maybe you were the one born without Mom receiving any pain meds?? It was probably a natural birth under water as you could swim from the time you were born:). While you were being born and tortured by doctors/nurses, Bri and I were at home having a great time with Gaga and Gil (unless I am a compulsive liar or experiencing memory loss). I like the premise of an old man remembering his youth and the life and stories he has told. Love to all!!
kids are so cute I am still amazed that with your blonde hair and blue eyes they look just like Kat.....LOL I guess your jeans aren't as strong as you might want to think, LOL.. Congrats to your dad (Uncle Don) on your athletic ability.. I am back to work (60hrs a week) and getting ready for a full load at school.. Pray for me, cause I need my sleep.. Next time Doug and I are in Cali we will make a point to come see you. His mom lives in Palm Springs.
Your Cuz.. DeAnn
Your Cuz.. DeAnn
I changed the settings on the other blog so that anyone can post.
Special note to Kirsten's queries...facts have never in the past, nor will they in the future, get in the way of a good story. :-)
Special note to Kirsten's queries...facts have never in the past, nor will they in the future, get in the way of a good story. :-)
The look on Hagen's face is the exact look I had on mine after I passed that kidney stone in Palm Springs!! Greg
Just got my computer back. Its been in the shop for a couple of weeks. Thanks for all the kind words. I sometimes find it hard to believe the resiliency of the human body. My advice to all is do not wait until your 55 to change your life style. Life is so much more fun when your healthy. Hope your training is going well. Sounds like your 20 some years ahead of me in your healthy pursuit. Look forward to the visit in September. Love the pics of the family. I can't wait to meet the newest member. love ya all pops
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