Thursday, August 03, 2006


Banner Day for Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDs Fund!!

Donations continue to roll-in for EGPAF. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has donated to this cause on my behalf. Not only are you supporting a great cause, you are helping me to win my Nautica work wardrobe (prize for raising the most money).

Here is a complete list. If you pass these people on the street or talk to them, give them a thank you and, if you have not donated, go ahead and tell them why you hate kids with AIDs so much. :-)

Aaron Moscoe
Angela Smith
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joanne
Corporate Images
Craig Callaway
David Muraco
Don Knight
Greg Brown
Guy Wisinski
Jenny and Tim Regan
Kathleen Hall
Kirsten McLean
Patrice Gilles
Patrick Gauna
Patrick OGrady
Randy Ness

Thanks so much to everyone!! Total raised to date is $2,275!!! Total raised today is $1,150.

For those of you who have lost the link or don't feel like searching back 5 posts to find it, here it is too can see your name on the most famous blog currently being run by me. :-)

Jason ... Chuck and I are delighted to contribute to such a worthy cause. Good luck!

Now a bit of bragging about my baby brother ... also known as your dad, Don. This past weekend he traveled to Charlotte, NC to participate in the National Masters Track and Field for athletes 30 and older. On Friday, racewalking in 100 degree heat plus, he took a bronze medal in the 5K and on Sunday in the same kind of heat he took another bronze in the 10K. Not bad for an old guy who just turned 60 ... hey!? Love, Aunt Jo
Old at 60??? 60 is the new 30, and I'm 45 so that actually makes me about 17, Right?!? Congrats to Don.
My dad also did marathons until 2 years ago when he developed shingles. He's just now getting back into the great shape he was in before the diagnosis, but it's been a long haul.
Jasons' training for his event. Man, I gotta get off my arse!! Being at the helm of a "major corporation" is no excuse to put off exercise! Ha!
I just read about a girl who's racing the Baja 1000 solo to raise funds for cancer research ( memory of her friend, and the American Cancer Society has set it up where anyone can donate or do something like Jason is doing for kids with aids. It's so user friendly that money just flys out of your pockets (if you have a heart!)
Take care, Greg.
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