Tuesday, April 25, 2006


First Post

Hello all...welcome to my new blog...decided to try to enter the digital age and start posting a blog with random stories, pics of my beautiful family and updates of what is going on in our lives. Of course, I could have chosen a more neutral name for the blog considering where my wife matriculated, but such is life. Sooner in Paradise just doesn't sound nearly as good...AND, with the recent National Championship, College World Series and Great Eight appearance, to the winner goes the spoils right? That is what I thought.

I hope everyone is doing well..please post anything you would like here...it is far easier than sending e-mails or picking up the phone. I mean, how passe is that? sheesh. :-)

Take care,


Kat has some issues with Cutter because at some point in high school she had a teacher who wore skin tight pants...one of Kat's fellow classmates used to say "cut her", meaning you'd have to cut her out of her pants to get them off...anyway, it sounded like Cutter so she cannot hear that without laughing and thinking of obscenely tight pants...random, eh?
The short list was just from memory...the list in my mind is one name...Galt. I was just trying to illustrate that we had thought of other names...for the record. :-)

Not sure how to post pics...I will figure it out and let everyone know. If someone out there does know, please advise.
OK...to post pics, just click on the image icon when you are typing your comments...actually before you start typing. Then, you can browse for pics on your computer. Piece of cake.
J-I've got a friend who is a computer genius. I'll ask him about how to get pic's on your blog.
I've prematurely posted!!! It looks as if you've got it all figured out. Sorry:)
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