Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Coming Soon!!
As many of you know, the arrival of Jak Jr. is imminent. I cancelled a trip to NYC this week and to Canada next week because I am quite certain that he will show himself the minute I leave town...as to illustrate that, last night Kat began having contractions...I was supposed to be on a flight at 9:55pm, but cancelled it at the last minute...so, she starts having contractions, 10 minutes apart and then THE LIGHTS GO OUT!! Around 10:30ish, all the lights in our hood went out. Apparently, someone ran into a power line or something. So, I can just imagine what my neck would look like if I had been out of town as these contractions were happening and Kat is making her way around the house by candlelight. Thank goodness for my omniscience! :-)
So, the big controversy on the birth of this wonderful little boy continues to be the name. Kat and I had chosen Galt as the name. For those of you who do not know, Galt is the last name of one of the main characters in the book Atlas Shrugged. Who is John Galt? was the question raised whenever something happened that could not be explained. He was basically a genius who dropped out of a society that was moving more towards collectivism and less toward rewarding excellence. He then recruited other moral, super-intelligent captains of industry to drop out too and "strike" against the way the world was shifting. He stated that "The world will change when you are ready to pronouce this oath: I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine." Far from selfishness, he meant to state that you should be proud of all your achievements and your potential should never be stifled because of the short comings of others.
Anyway, off my soapbox...basically, it IS a weird name. There will probably not be any other Galts in his grade or in his life. I don't think this is a bad thing...I think his big sister is in the same boat. But, there are others who will remain nameless who think it is a BAD idea to name our son this. So, here is your chance to suggest other names. My strong hope is that Kat will join me in ignoring your suggestions :-), but it could be fun anyway. Here are some of the others that we have considered/are considering:
Don't get a big head Rocky...so you have a cool middle name ok? haha
Enough of this long-winded post. A bit of a rant, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knew, as Paul Harvey used to say, the REST of the story....
So, the big controversy on the birth of this wonderful little boy continues to be the name. Kat and I had chosen Galt as the name. For those of you who do not know, Galt is the last name of one of the main characters in the book Atlas Shrugged. Who is John Galt? was the question raised whenever something happened that could not be explained. He was basically a genius who dropped out of a society that was moving more towards collectivism and less toward rewarding excellence. He then recruited other moral, super-intelligent captains of industry to drop out too and "strike" against the way the world was shifting. He stated that "The world will change when you are ready to pronouce this oath: I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine." Far from selfishness, he meant to state that you should be proud of all your achievements and your potential should never be stifled because of the short comings of others.
Anyway, off my soapbox...basically, it IS a weird name. There will probably not be any other Galts in his grade or in his life. I don't think this is a bad thing...I think his big sister is in the same boat. But, there are others who will remain nameless who think it is a BAD idea to name our son this. So, here is your chance to suggest other names. My strong hope is that Kat will join me in ignoring your suggestions :-), but it could be fun anyway. Here are some of the others that we have considered/are considering:
Don't get a big head Rocky...so you have a cool middle name ok? haha
Enough of this long-winded post. A bit of a rant, but I just wanted to make sure everyone knew, as Paul Harvey used to say, the REST of the story....
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J-Gault isn't so bad, but may cause your boy some un-needed stress in his life. He'll either learn to fight really well, drop out of society, or find you and try to kill you at a latter date. By my judgement all of these things will happen to him, to some degree or another, regardless of what you name him, so name him Gault if you like. Just make sure you have a good excuse for it when he comes to hunt you down; it will make all the difference.
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