Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Long time, no post

Blame it on Facebook! I was turned on to this social networking site by about 4 people in the same week and decided I needed to check it out. I had always thought it was for peeps much younger than I, but it turns out that Facebook is just one big HS Reunion on the internet! I have reconnected with a lot of high school people and have just connected with some of my former clients and co-workers. It is pretty cool. I have posted much more recent pics there than you see here.

SO, just wanted to let you know that what you all really want, pics of the kids, are on Facebook now. You can go there and add me as a friend and be able to view all the pics I have posted there. That is, if I accept your invitation. :-) I'll put some ramblings there too, but you can just bypass those and go straight to the pics, so probably much more palatable for many of you. haha

Hope everyon is doing well!

Much love to all!

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