Thursday, October 26, 2006


Made for Hollywood

You know how sometimes you hear a story or something happens to you or someone else and you say "that was scripted for Hollywood" or, even better, "Hollywood couldn't have scripted it any better"? Well, I have a story for you that just might trigger that emotion...

In the fall of 1945, just two months after the unconditional surrender of Japan which signaled the end of World War II, a little girl was born in southern Michigan. The youngest by far of three daughters, this young girl, whose father died when she was only 9, grew up in a world of tight budgets and imaginary friends.

Fast forward a couple of years and this young girl has turned into a rather intelligent young woman. And also a pregnant young woman. "With child" at the age of 19, her plans for college are suddenly put on hold...

On to 1973 and our young protagonist, now 27, is a single mom with three children ages 8, 6 and 1. Living in "government subsidized housing" as she would call it (fancy word for the ghetto) in Michigan, collecting welfare and going to school to finally get her degree, relying on the kindness of strangers to watch her youngest child as she could not afford daycare or a babysitter.

Now, let's travel to 1978. The kids are now 13, 11 and 6. Our young mother is 33 and has finished her undergrad degree. She is re-married and working as a union-busting manager at the largest corporation on the planet. Standing up to the catcalls and brutish behavior on the car manufacturer's plant floor showing the toughness that she had gained over a life of hard knocks. Moving up in the world and gaining confidence every step of the way.

Now, October 26, 2006, 61 years to the day after this young girl came into the world, let's go ahead and add a J.D. after her name as she attended law school in her 40s while working full-time and passed the bar on her first attempt. Her children are all grown and very successful. Her oldest is also a Bar certified attorney. Her middle child is about to go to Iraq to defend our country and her youngest is a ne'er do well blog author, but he has a wonderful family and doggone it, people like him.

Yes my loving fans, I am speaking of my mother. The most amazing person I have ever known. To summarize, in the past 30 odd years, she has gone from an unemployed, degree-less, single mother of 3 living in the ghettos of Michigan to having titles such as Executive VP of Human Resources, with an undergrad degree and a J.D. No longer living in "government subsidized housing", she has a beautiful home in Austin, TX with expansive views of Lake Travis. Through it all, one thing has remained amazingly constant...she is passionate, caring and loving. She loves her children with all her heart and that, honestly, is all that matters to me.

Happy Birthday Mama! Now get your butt out to LA and watch my kids!!

Much love to mi madre! jak

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Back to the Basics

Now that it is evident that noone is reading my blog once again, I can get back to the basics. Talking about stuff that interests me. The rest of you be damned. That's right. I know you are still out there. Pretending to be upset that I don't write you everyday like I did in the beginning. But, shit, I have work to do...I am moving across the country....being on 'stand-by' and 'taking five' with my homies from HGTV. You think I have time to write a stupid blog every day? Of course, I can't just come out and go postal against my loyal fans...I need to think about the future...I may need you someday. So, I have to be more subtle about it....I have decided to let others do my bidding...Greg and Denise know what I am talking about. You think Liska stepping on Claira's hand was some minor slip? Try commenting on my blog more and see if it stops...or don't and see what she steps on next. Its your choice. Real simple. And Kat, do you think Hagen scratching your arm so you look like a scarred gangster the rest of your life was some freak accident? Think again. You're my wife for pete's sake and you aren't even commenting on my blog. Mom, Liska has been talking clearly for months....maybe a comment here and there and I'll take the marbles out of her mouth when she is on the phone with you. Wouldn't that be refreshing? And Kirsten, do you think it is a coincidence that we decided to move to Tulsa instead of Houston around the same time you stopped commenting? Think again.

You see people, it is very comment, you can live a nice, peaceful life. You don't comment then, quite frankly, you leave me no choice but to provide the appropriate repurcussions. Your choice.

And I know the worst punishment of pics of my gorgeous kids. So, starting today, no pics until I get a comment from one of you.

That is all....

Friday, October 20, 2006


Tigers Roar in '84

Yes, the Tigers are no longer the Tiggers and they are once again in the World Series. The last time they went was the season after I left Michigan and headed down to Houston. Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker, Jack Morris, Lance Parrish, etc, etc. Great year. I honestly cannot name a lot of the current Tigers, but am very happy to see them have such a successful year. So, for those of you out there who could care less between STL and Detroit, cheer on the Tigers...they will appreciate your support.

So, I have promised to reveal some HUGE news on this blog and now is the time. The word is out...the Knight family is going to be heading to Tulsa!!! Yes, I am going to be heading back to work for EquaTerra doing the consulting gig and, thus, we are going to move back to T Town so Kat can be closer to her family and have that support while I am out of town. The money is fantastic, the job is much more strategic than executional/administrative and Tulsa is a hell of a lot more affordable. We are both looking forward to it, but getting the house ready to sell and trying to coordinate the move is a bit stressful. There is one thing that is making that process a little more enjoyable...we were selected by the HGTV show Designed to Sell as a house they are going to revamp for their next episode!!!! Not sure if many of my blog aids are big fans of DTS, but it is a very popular HGTV show where they come in and redo 3 rooms in a house and completely increase the value of your home for sale. They have already filmed two days and will start the work next Tuesday. Two more filming days while working and then they will film the Open House on November 5. We are hoping for offers at the Open House, but the current market tells us that we will probably have to wait until January for a sale to occur. Which is cool, but the sooner the better.

Big news, big news!! We are very excited and invite anyone who wants to come out to Cali to do it soon and help us work on the other rooms of the house to get it sale ready. :-)

OK. I hope everyone is doing well...I will try to be more regular on this site in the future. I know my last couple posts have been boring, but I will get back in the groove.

Peace out to all my homeys!!


Sunday, October 08, 2006


Fun with the Family

Just wanted to post some pics from the Michigan crew's visit to Sunny California. Great weather, great experiences, great fun. Looking forward to the next time we all get together!

Much love to all!


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