Saturday, August 26, 2006
Reality Bites
So, I know it has been quite a while since I have posted. I have been exceedingly busy and, quite frankly, uninspired to write. Not sure why. There just has been little going on in our lives that seems noteworthy...I work, work-out and play with the kiddos...Kat hangs out with the kids, teaches piano and hangs out with me. We painted the master bedroom last weekend and the master bath this weekend. Tomorrow should be really exciting though as I plan to add laundry and vacuuming to the mix. That's just how I roll. :-)
We are getting very excited about football season and even more excited about the Michigan clan's trip out here to Valencia. As is my MO (modus operandi for you non-latin acronym knowing individuals), I don't really get overly excited or anxious about upcoming events until they actually happen. Not sure why. Maybe my brain just won't allow me to set expectations about things in advance...this can be good and bad. It is good because some of the exciting sports events I have been to have never failed to exceed my wildest dreams. I'm never disappointed because I expected too much. It can be bad too because it doesn't allow me to prepare myself for some things that need to be prepared for...things need to be done sometimes to prevent a big letdown or sudden realization.
Such is the case with my older brother Brian. You see, Bri guy decided a few months ago to sign up for the Army Reserve. He did this knowing full well that there was more than a slight chance that he would be shipped off to Iraq. I also knew this, but my mind wouldn't allow me to dwell on it. Just went on with my life periodically stopping to comment on what a nimrod he was for signing up during a crisis such as the Iraq occupation. So, time goes by and I hear rumors that he may be getting called up in the fall. Maybe deployed to Iraq. But, again, no worries. Sounds like it might happen, but the reality of it has not really sunk in. I do start to wonder if Brian is the most selfish person in the world for doing this or if he is truly just wanting to serve his country. He doesn't naturally fit into either category. Has always given his shirt off his back for his family and friends. And I don't see him as being Joe Red White and Blue man either. So, on with my merry life.
Well, I found out last week that Brian, at the ripe old age of 39, is getting deployed. He is going to Fort Dix (I'm sure he will have fun with that one) on September 7 and then going to Mosul in Iraq to train Iraqi Security forces. That's right. He will be out and about in Iraq, hanging out with those individuals the insurgents like to target most. So, I hear this from my mom while I am travelling back to LA from St. Louis and am still pretty much blase about the whole thing. But, for some reason, reality finally hit me on the drive home from LAX. I actually started thinking about the blog I would write about this development and the words that were coming into my head were very angry. I was really pissed off about this. Then, the floodgates opened and I started thinking about the fact that when I say goodbye to my bro over Labor Day, there is a better than even chance that I will not see him again. That my mom will join the thousands of other moms in getting that nightmare call from the government talking about how Brian Pyle had given his life in honor of our freedom, yadda yadda yadda. And I got even madder. I hate freakin' crying and here I was having to pull over on the 405 to get my wits about me. Then I was mad for being mad as it was not the emotion I wanted to feel if, indeed, this was the last time I was going to see him. So, I have basically decided to treat him like a great brother next weekend and withold judgement. If he dies in Iraq, then I will get mad and call him bad names. If he survives, I will welcome him back with open arms and then sear his eyes with a hot poker as the Army won't make him go back if he is blind. I'm taking volunteers to help hold him down.
So, what is the point of all this? Nothing for you people. Just a little therapy for me. Don't think I have to explain the title of the blog this time.
For those of you waiting on the next chapter of my book, I appreciate your excitement, but please stop camping on my lawn and leave my wife and kids out of this. We don't need paparrazi chasing us all over town. I will give you a hint about the coming chapters. Some working titles:
The Zip Heard Round the World
My night at Abu Ghraib
The Hairiest of the Knights
Engaging in Homosexual Activity aka My Introduction to Wave Runners
So, somethings to look forward to. I do my writing on the train and am back on-board this week.
Much love to all...thanks for continuing to listen to my ramblings!!
We are getting very excited about football season and even more excited about the Michigan clan's trip out here to Valencia. As is my MO (modus operandi for you non-latin acronym knowing individuals), I don't really get overly excited or anxious about upcoming events until they actually happen. Not sure why. Maybe my brain just won't allow me to set expectations about things in advance...this can be good and bad. It is good because some of the exciting sports events I have been to have never failed to exceed my wildest dreams. I'm never disappointed because I expected too much. It can be bad too because it doesn't allow me to prepare myself for some things that need to be prepared for...things need to be done sometimes to prevent a big letdown or sudden realization.
Such is the case with my older brother Brian. You see, Bri guy decided a few months ago to sign up for the Army Reserve. He did this knowing full well that there was more than a slight chance that he would be shipped off to Iraq. I also knew this, but my mind wouldn't allow me to dwell on it. Just went on with my life periodically stopping to comment on what a nimrod he was for signing up during a crisis such as the Iraq occupation. So, time goes by and I hear rumors that he may be getting called up in the fall. Maybe deployed to Iraq. But, again, no worries. Sounds like it might happen, but the reality of it has not really sunk in. I do start to wonder if Brian is the most selfish person in the world for doing this or if he is truly just wanting to serve his country. He doesn't naturally fit into either category. Has always given his shirt off his back for his family and friends. And I don't see him as being Joe Red White and Blue man either. So, on with my merry life.
Well, I found out last week that Brian, at the ripe old age of 39, is getting deployed. He is going to Fort Dix (I'm sure he will have fun with that one) on September 7 and then going to Mosul in Iraq to train Iraqi Security forces. That's right. He will be out and about in Iraq, hanging out with those individuals the insurgents like to target most. So, I hear this from my mom while I am travelling back to LA from St. Louis and am still pretty much blase about the whole thing. But, for some reason, reality finally hit me on the drive home from LAX. I actually started thinking about the blog I would write about this development and the words that were coming into my head were very angry. I was really pissed off about this. Then, the floodgates opened and I started thinking about the fact that when I say goodbye to my bro over Labor Day, there is a better than even chance that I will not see him again. That my mom will join the thousands of other moms in getting that nightmare call from the government talking about how Brian Pyle had given his life in honor of our freedom, yadda yadda yadda. And I got even madder. I hate freakin' crying and here I was having to pull over on the 405 to get my wits about me. Then I was mad for being mad as it was not the emotion I wanted to feel if, indeed, this was the last time I was going to see him. So, I have basically decided to treat him like a great brother next weekend and withold judgement. If he dies in Iraq, then I will get mad and call him bad names. If he survives, I will welcome him back with open arms and then sear his eyes with a hot poker as the Army won't make him go back if he is blind. I'm taking volunteers to help hold him down.
So, what is the point of all this? Nothing for you people. Just a little therapy for me. Don't think I have to explain the title of the blog this time.
For those of you waiting on the next chapter of my book, I appreciate your excitement, but please stop camping on my lawn and leave my wife and kids out of this. We don't need paparrazi chasing us all over town. I will give you a hint about the coming chapters. Some working titles:
The Zip Heard Round the World
My night at Abu Ghraib
The Hairiest of the Knights
Engaging in Homosexual Activity aka My Introduction to Wave Runners
So, somethings to look forward to. I do my writing on the train and am back on-board this week.
Much love to all...thanks for continuing to listen to my ramblings!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Long time, no pics

Why is it that some things improve with age? I mean, we all know that wine improves with age...but only certain wines. That box of vino I bought last night will probably go bad rather than improve. Also, it seems that when Kat makes pasta or chili, it is always much better the next day or the day after that. But, when I made the same dishes in the past, a couple days later, mold would be forming. So, what is the differentiating factor? Why are some things more apt to age better than others...not only age better, but actually become a superior product over time? It seems to me that those things that are developed with great care and utilize the best ingredients are more likely to age more gracefully. So, maybe this explains why someone who has made great strides in developing himself with exercise and has made it a habit to only put the best, most healthy foods into his pie hole, would also improve with age...maybe? Regardless of all that, there can be no doubt that my Pops, Don Knight, has certainly improved with age. The same guy that would call me from Pennsylvania as he snuck a smoke out in the shed (I would hear periodic, forceful exhales and ask what in the world he was doing...blowing out smoke), drink cases of beer each week and load his freezer with raw meat has somehow transformed himself into a top tier athlete. I know this not because he came to California and got lost on a walk and went 10 miles out of his way without, I know this because I just verified on the US Masters website that Arthur Donald Knight, aka Pops, won bronze medals in the National 5K and 10K racewalks. That's right, I said National. Held at UNC Charlotte, he raced against some of the top race walkers in the country and was only beaten out by 2 people!!! It really is rather amazing and I find it difficult to express how proud I am of him, but, Pops, you have come a long way and you are truly a role model for your son.
So, in my attempt to keep up with the Popses, I continue to train for my triathlon. Here is what my schedule has been since mid-July:
4:30am - Wake up
5:30am - Begin workout -- Mon, Wed, Fri is weight training and Tues, Thurs is basketball
7:30am - Begin work -- work has been CRAZY! I presented to the US purchasing team this morning, will be presenting to the North American Promotion Council on Tuesday and have just finished drafting a PowerPoint for a 3 hour presentation to the Latin American purchasing organization. That will be my first with microphone, on stage in front of 100+. Should be interesting.
4:30pm - Head home
5:15pm - Play with Liska for 30 minutes
6:00pm - go to track and run or go to pool and swim for 30 minutes
8pm - Put Liska down
11pm - Put Hagen down
11pm-1am - more work
4:30am - wake up and start over again.
So, I am pretty much always tired. Once this tri is done, I will be able to get some rest. I'm also trying to hire someone to support me at work, so that will help as well. The good news is that I am now down to 223lbs, so have lost 27 since March 1. I feel great!
Speaking of the tri being done, the Michigan clan will be down right after that and I just wanted you all to know that we will have plenty of shampoo and shaving cream and any other water based product that you won't be able to carry on the plane. We got ya covered, so fear not!!
OK...I am sure there are other things to report, but I will save some for next time. I know this goes without saying, but our kids continue to be perfect. If by perfect, you mean they don't sleep much and Liska gets spontaneous bloody noses and waits for Kat to start nursing Hagen and starts to really act up knowing that Kat cannot stop her. Other than that, they are perfect. Liska is sooo cute as she continues to expand her vocabulary. Hagen smiles so much and coos and farts like a champ. That's my boy!!
Alright. I know if I type much longer, it won't get read. If you want to follow the progress of my book "True Confessions of a Compulsive Liar", check it out at Be forewarned that it basically takes what I do here to a new, bizarre level. And I use dirty words. :-)
Much love to all!!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Banner Day for Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDs Fund!!
Donations continue to roll-in for EGPAF. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has donated to this cause on my behalf. Not only are you supporting a great cause, you are helping me to win my Nautica work wardrobe (prize for raising the most money).
Here is a complete list. If you pass these people on the street or talk to them, give them a thank you and, if you have not donated, go ahead and tell them why you hate kids with AIDs so much. :-)
Aaron Moscoe
Angela Smith
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joanne
Corporate Images
Craig Callaway
David Muraco
Don Knight
Greg Brown
Guy Wisinski
Jenny and Tim Regan
Kathleen Hall
Kirsten McLean
Patrice Gilles
Patrick Gauna
Patrick OGrady
Randy Ness
Thanks so much to everyone!! Total raised to date is $2,275!!! Total raised today is $1,150.
For those of you who have lost the link or don't feel like searching back 5 posts to find it, here it is too can see your name on the most famous blog currently being run by me. :-)
Here is a complete list. If you pass these people on the street or talk to them, give them a thank you and, if you have not donated, go ahead and tell them why you hate kids with AIDs so much. :-)
Aaron Moscoe
Angela Smith
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joanne
Corporate Images
Craig Callaway
David Muraco
Don Knight
Greg Brown
Guy Wisinski
Jenny and Tim Regan
Kathleen Hall
Kirsten McLean
Patrice Gilles
Patrick Gauna
Patrick OGrady
Randy Ness
Thanks so much to everyone!! Total raised to date is $2,275!!! Total raised today is $1,150.
For those of you who have lost the link or don't feel like searching back 5 posts to find it, here it is too can see your name on the most famous blog currently being run by me. :-)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Great Days in History
As historians reflect on events that have occurred since the dawn of time, there is a tendency to mark certain events as more significant than others. Within those significant events, we further characterize certain moments in history as "world-changing". Some things that come to mind are the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel, the assasination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, the development of Chile con Queso, etc. Most of these "world-changing" events have happened in the distant past. This is because it is hard to gauge the lasting impact of more recent events.
Well, after 41 years, I think it is safe to now say that the birth of Kirsten Lynne Pyle was, if not a "world-changing" event, definitely a moment in time that we should all be thankful for. I know that I am. I cannot imagine my life without her in it and I have to believe that many readers of this blog feel the same way. Her unending love, humor and kindness and willingness to help out whenever and wherever she can has certainly impacted who I am today and I am forever thankful to her for that.
So, Happy Birthday sis! Kick up your heels and celebrate life!!
Much love!!
Well, after 41 years, I think it is safe to now say that the birth of Kirsten Lynne Pyle was, if not a "world-changing" event, definitely a moment in time that we should all be thankful for. I know that I am. I cannot imagine my life without her in it and I have to believe that many readers of this blog feel the same way. Her unending love, humor and kindness and willingness to help out whenever and wherever she can has certainly impacted who I am today and I am forever thankful to her for that.
So, Happy Birthday sis! Kick up your heels and celebrate life!!
Much love!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Sweetness Defined
When you have a daughter like Liska, the term "sweet" can begin, at some point, to lose its value. It seems everything she does we label as "sweet" or "precious" or "obnoxious". Not so much the last one, but, as you all now know, she has her moments.
So, this past weekend, Liska brought sweet to a new level. You see, we spent the weekend down in Huntington Beach at the Bank of the West Beach Games. It is an Arrowhead (Nestle product) sponsored event that showcases The US Open Surfing Championships and other X game competitions like BMX, skateboard and Motocross events. We get VIP passes and sit in the sky boxes and watch it above the heads of the common folk/riff raff that show up for these events. Anywho, during the drives to and from Valencia and from the beach to our hotel, Liska requested (and of course got to listen to) Closing Time on the CD player. For those of you who don't recall this catchy little diddy from a few years back, it is by Semisonic and goes something like this:
Closing Time, one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer
Closing Time, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here....
I know who I want to take me home....(3x)
So, like her papa, Liska is very adept at learning the words to songs after a few listens. So, she would sing along to the song as it played and then sing it whenever we were out and about. I didn't realize how proud she was of herself until I would sing it with her and she would get a huge smile on her face and sing even louder.
I'm not to the sweeter than sweet part yet, so hold on to your hats...
So, when we got home on Sunday, we planned dinner with the Browns. When we told Liska, she announced that she could sing Closing Time to Claira and Annalee. She was so sincere about it! So, in the next half hour or so, you could tell she was practicing it. She really wanted to impress her friends with her new song that she loved so much.
I should note here that the only way that Kat and I know she is singing Closing Time is because we both love the song and we know what she is trying to do....the words are not very decipherable, but the tune is.
Anyway, we finally head down to the Browns and Liska again announces "I can sing Closing Time for Claira and Annalee!" I'm a little nervous now because I know how much this means to her and I am fearful she will be frustrated that noone knows what she is talking about. As a doting father, I never want to see my daughter deal with any psychological pain. Not like I did growing up in a house full of drunks and drug addicts..that's right mom and is all out in the open now! muhahahahaha
Sorry. Just wanted to make sure peeps were paying attention. :-)
So, we get to the Browns and as soon as Claira is done serving Liska some pizza, Liska busts into song. Full force. I can hear it behind me and I turn around to see what the reaction is from Claira and Annalee...maybe they are rapt with attention at this beautiful girl singing her hearts out for them...maybe they cannot believe their ears that they are hearing a modern, popular song being sung by a two year old (as opposed to the Little Einstein theme song)...or, as it was, maybe they continued to eat their pizza without a glance in Liska's direction. Poor Liska I thought. My heart sunk...but only for a moment. Until I realized that Liska really didnt' seem to care who was paying attention. She just kept singing like she was the star of this fact, her eyes were closed, so she may have thought we were all there, watching her, waiting for her to finish, so we could give her a standing ovation...
She ended the song, opened her eyes and looked around, I started clapping and saying "yeah Liska! That was beautiful." She lit up with a huge smile and said, simply, "I sing Closing Time for Daddy!". Yes you did my sweet little girl...yes you did.
So, this past weekend, Liska brought sweet to a new level. You see, we spent the weekend down in Huntington Beach at the Bank of the West Beach Games. It is an Arrowhead (Nestle product) sponsored event that showcases The US Open Surfing Championships and other X game competitions like BMX, skateboard and Motocross events. We get VIP passes and sit in the sky boxes and watch it above the heads of the common folk/riff raff that show up for these events. Anywho, during the drives to and from Valencia and from the beach to our hotel, Liska requested (and of course got to listen to) Closing Time on the CD player. For those of you who don't recall this catchy little diddy from a few years back, it is by Semisonic and goes something like this:
Closing Time, one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer
Closing Time, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here....
I know who I want to take me home....(3x)
So, like her papa, Liska is very adept at learning the words to songs after a few listens. So, she would sing along to the song as it played and then sing it whenever we were out and about. I didn't realize how proud she was of herself until I would sing it with her and she would get a huge smile on her face and sing even louder.
I'm not to the sweeter than sweet part yet, so hold on to your hats...
So, when we got home on Sunday, we planned dinner with the Browns. When we told Liska, she announced that she could sing Closing Time to Claira and Annalee. She was so sincere about it! So, in the next half hour or so, you could tell she was practicing it. She really wanted to impress her friends with her new song that she loved so much.
I should note here that the only way that Kat and I know she is singing Closing Time is because we both love the song and we know what she is trying to do....the words are not very decipherable, but the tune is.
Anyway, we finally head down to the Browns and Liska again announces "I can sing Closing Time for Claira and Annalee!" I'm a little nervous now because I know how much this means to her and I am fearful she will be frustrated that noone knows what she is talking about. As a doting father, I never want to see my daughter deal with any psychological pain. Not like I did growing up in a house full of drunks and drug addicts..that's right mom and is all out in the open now! muhahahahaha
Sorry. Just wanted to make sure peeps were paying attention. :-)
So, we get to the Browns and as soon as Claira is done serving Liska some pizza, Liska busts into song. Full force. I can hear it behind me and I turn around to see what the reaction is from Claira and Annalee...maybe they are rapt with attention at this beautiful girl singing her hearts out for them...maybe they cannot believe their ears that they are hearing a modern, popular song being sung by a two year old (as opposed to the Little Einstein theme song)...or, as it was, maybe they continued to eat their pizza without a glance in Liska's direction. Poor Liska I thought. My heart sunk...but only for a moment. Until I realized that Liska really didnt' seem to care who was paying attention. She just kept singing like she was the star of this fact, her eyes were closed, so she may have thought we were all there, watching her, waiting for her to finish, so we could give her a standing ovation...
She ended the song, opened her eyes and looked around, I started clapping and saying "yeah Liska! That was beautiful." She lit up with a huge smile and said, simply, "I sing Closing Time for Daddy!". Yes you did my sweet little girl...yes you did.